Friday, 25 May 2018

Irish Referendum

The Republic of Ireland (not Northern Ireland, Kay Burley) is having a referendum on changing the country's abortion laws. I presume as an EU country the result only stands if it supports the 'correct' political agenda.

I struggle with this one myself, but the arguments are too often disingenuous. The blanket 'No' means damage, both physically and psychologically can happen to mother and baby. It is too often present as a never allow option.

But the pro-abortion side just seem to come up with selfishness as an overriding principle. In fact, even principled. I mean by this for instance, the fatuous 'it's my body'. So in an age of multiple, sophisticated and effective means of birth control, a girl should be entitled to demand to end a life any time she can't be bothered with contraception, but fancies a shag.

Because, it actually isn't her body and the only reason the subject of murder doesn't crop up is that we persist with an ancient ruling that life starts only at birth. Unless a much loved foetus is killed by a third party assaulting the mother, which we think is terrible.

It isn't her body, it is an entirely separate body that happens to be inside her. And Nature leads the mother's body to perform some pretty incredible things in order to hide the interloper.

It is of course, a strong part of the feminist argument that women have been wronged by Nature as the party having to carry the child. They rage into the wind.

Lazy, indolent women who get pregnant and want an abortion whenever they want, make the pro-abortion case almost impossible to support. We think it a terrible thing to terminate a foetus that is going to be terribly disabled when born, as this demeans the lives of those that were born (in the mad Leftie world) and yet we defend implacably a mother's choice to end a life whenever she feels she wants to (up to 24 weeks).

There is no easy answer, but giving women whatever they want, whenever they dream up some new injustice, isn't it.

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