It comes up from time to time, that Corbyn wants to turn Britain into a version of Venezuela. Hell, I've said it myself and with no understanding of economics (or reality) the current Far Left cabal masquerading as the Labour Party. no doubt could bring such a situation about in short order.
But something else struck me as I started re-reading Richard J Evans stupendous and (settle in) stupendously long book 'The Third Reich At War'. This was just how stupid, petty and childish the leadership of the Nazi Party was, jockeying for power and privilege, taking fine houses and other wealth for themselves, whilst planning inhuman actions.
Now, we have no current knowledge of warlike adventures planned by the Corbyn gang, but they certainly fit the mould as self-important, individually incompetent, desperate and devious clowns on the make. The way they suppress internal dissent, the ideology of violence, the lies and the deceit - no real interest in actual politics.
And I'm sure Momentum and its like can summon up their brownshirts in a blink, should some extra political muscle be called for. I fear these people who seem like fools may in fact be very dangerous fools.
And there are too many openings in the way our society acts and thinks, due to long term influence of the Left in schools, all public services and through the deployment of Political Correctness, for this authoritarian ambition to succeed. Take for instance Thames Valley Police. If you want to join they ask if you belong to any Right Wing parties. Why Right Wing specifically? Because the current feeling is that they are the problem.
Name the last violent action by a Right Wing group. You can't. (You may be led to suggest that the shooting of Jo Cox was such an event; it wasn't. The perpetrator was a nutcase, who read Far Right literature amongst other things. He didn't belong to a group, nor received instruction).
The Left however are endlessly involved in violence; every 'march' where windows are smashed, property burnt, heavy objects thrown off roofs onto police below. Every event that you can think of that erupted into violence had its origins in Left activism and agitation.
Except I guess, the Countryside March which was entirely peaceful, but so massive that Tony Blair was deeply shocked, so he had them attacked by the police and then blamed the marchers for the violence. Yeah, and David Kelly committed suicide.
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