Thursday, 31 May 2018

When To Act?

Historically, things tend to get well out of hand before anything is done and often, before anyone realises there is a problem. Appeasing Hitler was to avoid war, but it made things so much worse. Thinking anyone could rely on France to act decisively to stop Hitler once he had invaded Poland was another great delusion. I mean, seriously, the French?!

And I guess, if we prevent a terrorist setting off a bomb we have no real idea how many lives were saved and any other consequences that might follow on. But, again looking at the Nazis, they spent years building up their party to be single-minded. They entrenched anti-Semitism as a core tenet and by constant repetition it became common currency that there was something wrong with the Jews.

So when war started, the brutality was immense, bestial and committed by ordinary soldiers as well as the special troops, SS etc. Part of the racial division was to ensure there was no Polish society as such, no education for the children, because then the Nazis would have their worker bees, who wouldn't know any better.

Coming back to the UK, we have had decades of education by idiots to produce idiots and propaganda that now sees our young, unable to think for themselves believing almighty tosh from the Left. Why would anyone do that? I mean, the fact that the Left install stupid systems of education wouldn't surprise anyone, but why persist with it when it is proven a failure?

Surely the only reason can be that the design objective of the 'system' was to produce functionally illiterate children, even after years of 'schooling'.

And how does any political movement get away with drastically changing the relationship of the government to the people and handing over national sovereignty without any debate or analysis taking place? How can the economically ruinous, anti-capitalism of the Climate Change scam also avoid debate? How but with a pliant and compliant populace.

Then of course there is the embedded anti-Semitism leaking out of every pore of the Labour Party. They can't contain it and they don't want to. They and then you are being subjected to propaganda so that you come to see Jews as abnormal and a threat to be 'dealt with' by our leaders.

Of course, in our codified, Left controlled society, any suggestion that the Left might be up to no good will bring accusations that you wear tin foil as a hat. Maybe I am wrong and drawing the wrong parallels, but what harm would it do to take robust action against the Hate Party (still known as Labour as of today)? What could go wrong if we properly educated our children and were allowed to know what the EU does?

Why would it be dangerous to allow debate about climate change and the actual real science? The worst that could happen is that people demand an end to the taxes and subsidies to ward off dragons and pixies (just as real as any danger from 'Global Warming'). And then the preachers of hate, Left wing activists can crawl back under a stone.

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