Friday, 20 January 2012

Our Political Parties

It is well known now that the problem with politics, the reason for the disconnect with the public (and often reality), is the party system. This quite sensible idea, to draw like minded people together to form policies they all support, has been completely corrupted and is now anti-democratic. When we bother to vote, we elect politicians who merely turn up in parliament to receive their orders from party HQ and to vote on legislation as directed, rather than as their constituents may have wished.

MP's and particularly PM's are sometimes indignant when their rule is questioned, when perhaps a referendum is suggested. It is their right, they say, to govern as they have been given a mandate to rule. The people have entrusted decision making to them for 5 years. And this might be so, if the parties didn't lie so routinely before elections and then, by the control they exercise over their MP's, effectively dictate.

So, if the parties are out of control, what do they claim to want and represent as of today? Here is how they appear to me.

The Greens. Obviously an actual irrelevance, I mention the Greens because of Caroline Lucas who is the Greens (should that be Green?) Lucas is possibly an alien who has landed on Earth and learnt our ways so as not to stick out. If so, you have to say she has made a good stab at it. To many people she looks and sounds quite normal, unless she is talking about politics. Here it is clear she comes from a world where some elite group controls every action of the lesser beings that she unfortunately has to share a planet with.

Lucas is a Stalinist of the first order, by which I mean she seeks the state to own everything and the people to work for the benefit of the state. Usefully, she excludes herself from such a scheme, as, being an elite she can share the fruits of others' labour (on QT last night her disdain for the Queen was all too evident, a drain on the public purse, which presumably she doesn't think she is, an inversion of reality). This attitude is the bedrock of most current 'socialist' thought, from left wing politicians to the supposedly scientific environmental groups and race/gender communities. The state will tax you to organise how the 'nation's' wealth (definitely not yours, despite you creating it, working for it) and spend it as they see fit, being benign, intensely clever and caring people.

Seizing absolute control like this, not only perpetuates their power and keeps the people in check, but also gives a reason for the state (and an enormously bloated one at that) to exist. The only 'sustainable' form of government! As Lucas proved again on QT last night she has absolutely no idea what goes on around her and still thinks we are all in thrall to her global warming scam ('the greatest threat we currently face'). She frames her output absolutely around this adolescent ideology and tries to fit reality into it. Not having a strong imagination, she fails quite spectacularly.

But this Stalinist view of ideal politics, as I said earlier, defines much of our politics and background political agitation. Hence the Labour Party are in such turmoil. Having been seduced to let a conman lead their party, just because he could get them into power, they have been seen as a very right wing party, pursuing personal wealth through the worst corruption a capitalist system can provide, where the legislators are corrupt. This pleased many like Mandelson who only like politics for the games they can play, for the power itself and the wealth it attracts. This disgusted many of the Old Labour persuasion.

Old Labour yearned for power so they could push their agenda of division and hatred through complete state control. These are the people, not just politicians, who turn up and say that capitalism is evil and causes most of the misery in the the world and can be ended by adopting regimes like those of Soviet Russia and North Korea. Despite the abject failure of these societies, the ideological Labour party cannot see or accept that they would bring such destruction and death to the UK. Though many of them do know and don't care.

Currently Labour have Ed Miliband as their figurehead, a man who was supposed to be a puppet of the Unions. Instead, he has turned out to be his own man, with no clear ideas on anything and consequently not much liked by anyone.

The Lib Dems are now a joke, a comedy party. For all my life they were always spoken of as spouting fine sounding claptrap on the sound reasoning that they would never get into power and so be tested on it. Then, oops a daisy, they found themselves in a position to share power with the Conservatives and all of a sudden they were ditching keenly held beliefs and policies like a wet dog shaking. Naturally, their long term supporters now hate them and everyone else, who previously thought them a joke, realise they are actually dangerous Stalinists.

Look at Chris Huhne. With an IQ determined by his collar size, he preens and pouts and connives, being the unreliable toad he appears on first viewing. Nick Clegg of course has clearly completed the clown training and recognising a big top when he sees one is giving us the full routine. Yes, we know that state control would be much better in your view Nick, but when do you order the extra guns for the police? When people start to realise what you are up to or earlier than that? Sometimes people just don't appreciate what you are trying to do for them, do they?

Lastly, the Conservatives. Tony Blair may have called his boastful book 'A Journey' (though maybe, 'so long and thanks for all the fish' is closer to the mark), but it is actually David Cameron who is on a journey. Having decided he quite liked the idea of socialism, but the people he generally came into contact with talked about the Conservatives, he kind of joined that gang, by accident. As PM he thought he could cure the raging predatory capitalism that New Labour had promoted to the exclusion of all else, with some cuddly Conservatism that would make everyone feel better.

But, little by little, as reality slaps him in the face like an unexpected icy wind on opening the front door, he is having to adopt genuinely Conservative thinking. Soon, he may even realise that the EU has been an enormous con and was merely an attempt to build a sovietised economy run by unelected elites for their own benefit. Which isn't really what Conservatives believe in. Over all, a Conservative is what generally considerate people would be, left to their own devices. It is really the party of small business, which is also the main driver of a (free) society. Cameron is not there yet, but he is showing some good signs, though I'm not as convinced as Fraser Nelson is, in today's Telegraph.

When Cameron starts actually shrinking the size of government and addresses the other left over issues from Blair and Brown, such as entrenched inequalities and moribund social mobility, by which much socialist strategy survives, then we will know Britain is on the way back to recovery. Don't hold your breath.

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