Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Socialism - The Ideology Of The Lazy

Life is not lived by people, it is an individual experience. Everything you know, everything that happens to you exists inside your head. I am not you and I have never seen the world through your eyes. We may live and love another person, share experiences and care deeply, but in the end it is just you. That is not to say you are selfish, but at root, you do what suits you meaning no harm to anyone else. That is the nature of a society; it is also the essence of what Thatcher meant when she said there is no such thing as society.

True Conservatives believe in the rights of the responsible individual, that by gaining what you want and need you can co-exist peacefully with others doing likewise. Otherwise, no constraints need be placed upon you. It is the polar opposite of a police state. What organs of government exist do so as a service to the community, not as masters of their charges.

Socialism deals in lumpen masses, it pretends to care but cannot do so as it never addresses the individual. Instead this lazy creed talks of 'the working class' and the hated 'upper class' and accords types and categorisation to these hordes. A socialist is someone who feels they care for others and know that many injustices exist and that something must be done about it. Beyond that things get a little hazy and maybe it is teatime, or the hippy trip is starting to work, or at the adolescent end, the thought alone is sufficient.

A socialist requires other people to do a great many things for them, as their benign nature cannot be denied and implementation is difficult. At first, they are right; this is something that must clearly be understood. Their ideas are not only right, but pure and good. This is the start point for the defining tenet of socialism; intolerance. Anyone who disagrees with a socialist is not only wrong but dangerous as they oppose A Socialist Idea, which is a heresy and incomprehensible behaviour.

So socialism sees the proletariat as a mass, the enemy as a mass and their ideas are for massive control, state control needless to say and that state must be run by them, due to their undeniable goodness. At no point does a socialist stop and ask what the practical application of their ideology is, as it impacts on individuals who then react as individuals do.

Welfare is not an evil, but when applied thickly it has unintended consequences. An employed person considers their position before having children and will seek to limit the number by affordability. The welfare recipient is paid more per child, has no need to act responsibly and as such has their basic character modified. The worker submits to a discipline, has respect and pays his way. The welfare dependent has no fear of losing a job, of losing their home, no need to rise early or look after their kids, many of whom they didn't want if they don't actively despise them.

Welfare suppers tend towards aggression because it keeps others away from questioning what they do; teachers, social workers and increasingly the police, leave them alone as they do not relish the encounter and their authority is undermined from above. For socialists it is imperative that there are poor people as it is their constituency. Like Greenpeace and Oxfam they do not plan to see themselves out of work, their objectives are political and their aim is to stay. and stay in control. An effective way to help a starving nation is to turnaround their own food production, so Oxfam fly in bags of food and do small infrastructure projects to placate.

Socialist know that education is the route by which people climb out of the pit designed for them, so our education system has been systematically destroyed. It is no coincidence that the state control of schools leads to lower standards, that government intervention tends to reward lowered standards and that as a consequence we have some of the poorest educational standards in the developed world and maybe beyond that.

Socialism is lazy because it seeks to deal in stereotypes and overviews, in mass rather than at the individual level. It has an idea, spouts it, expects it to be adopted and walks away. A living embodiment of this was an encounter I had whilst a Special Constable. I was in a unit doing a fixed task (cycle coding) and a woman came up to me and, pointing to a stray dog that was clearly undernourished said that I should deal with it. She declared herself a former member of the RSPCA and that 'something should be done about the dog' and with that, conscience salved she washed her hands of it and walked away. It never occurred to her that she was ideally placed to deal with it, rather than an already occupied police officer.

For her, an order had been given and it was the pure goodness of her heart that gave her the undoubted authority to order someone else to do something she felt no compunction, despite her compassion to do herself. Socialism is a child of a rich society, one that can tolerate such idle wasters and socialism, on being rejected by the society it exists in relentlessly seeks poor and ignorant nations on which to inflict its miserable ideology: the Russian peasants, South East Asian peasants and the poor of South America. Strangely, this ideology that arrives to help 'the masses' to rise up against some undefined group known as 'the masters', seems instead to keep them poor but now under the rod and rule of people demanding comfort and obedience.

Yes, capitalism can lead to injustices and a society must have some checks and balances in place, but because it is not an ideology, rather it is an extension and structuring of natural human behaviour, it is capable of doing much good. It allows people to achieve. Socialism, because it is an ideology is too inflexible and too often the root for intolerance and injustice, for lies and destruction, just as is the case with the 'Green' movement. The 'environmental' idea is childish and uses socialist conditioning (denial of debate on the grounds that they are, right; from the outset) in an effort to achieve its goals. It is in fact true that some pretty smart people, believe some pretty dumb ideas. Because they don't think enough and that is socialism.

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