Monday, 23 January 2012

Rip Off Gov

I mentioned in an earlier post that a large part of Rip off Britain is due to the Government. Well, here is something more to chew on; in the Eighties the Thatcher government sold off a number of the utilities and other nationalised entities. Now putting aside whether this was good or bad, do you feel better for it? I mean better off?

Large amounts of money was sprayed at these 'companies' as they were rarely self funding. But now we don't own British Gas, or British Railways, where is the benefit? Where the reduced taxes? Government it seems continues to need ever larger amounts of cash (our cash) to do less and less. Or more accurately to achieve less and less. To cover the gross incompetence of his administration, Blair placed more responsibilities onto local government, without the corresponding funds and Brown borrowed more.

Where does it all go? We know that, even without corruption, government is an inefficient and wasteful entity so it would make eminent sense if the government just did less. This is just one of a long list of reasons for smaller government, but our politicians shouldn't worry about their wealth and status. Those can be confirmed by bringing back powers from Brussels, which in itself can be achieved by leaving the EU and casting them adrift. An old Soviet style trading block, with rigid rules and unelected functionaries is a recipe for disaster, politically, economically and socially. And in this age of the internet, the end can be very swift when the people finally grow tired, as the Middle East is showing us.

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