Thursday, 19 January 2012

This Is Life

Stunning news today that the Met police spent over £100,000 on directory enquiries and the speaking clock(!) This in an age when the accuracy of your wristwatch, or mobile phone even, is to a degree of seconds a month and phone numbers are available, free, online. These are the people who are supposed to protect us and chase down criminals. There may not have been an actual rise in crime, maybe it is just that these dimwits can't prevent or catch.

Doctors are planning to strike, for the first time in 30 years. It is tough today for the medical profession, as politics takes up so much of their time. Not just the meddling of central government, but their own wheeling and dealing for advantage. No longer the preening Consultants who demand respect and sweep through hospitals like gods, but salary seekers, ever concerned with their pay, the new arbiter of prestige. GP's are formidably better off now than ever before and offer the lowest service ever.

Hospitals can no longer treat patients, or in fact even see them. Nurses are too important to actually do the job they are employed for and doctors sit in little specialisms, warring with each other and with management, with no application of the principle of treating the 'whole patient'.

And now we hear of the latest turmoil in the financial world. Well the political/financial world. The markets aren't too sure about the IMF's $1 trillion fund. We seem to have a strange disconnect as we are constantly told what the politico's think should be done and then 'the market' gives its reaction as if a) it were sage (no pun intended) and b) not self serving. The market can make money by betting on failure as much as saying 'ooh, that's a good idea'.

Because papers don't pay journalists to think and most of them seem happy to oblige, we are led to believe a great many contradictory things. So let's keep it simple. The EU is destroying world finances because you cannot have independent countries tying their currencies together. The ignorant approach of politicians in France and Germany trying to prop up a political empire is pure farce. Whilst the Euro is held as an ideal state for European finances there can be no resolution.

The IMF and the World Bank are irrelevant. The sums they talk of don't exist in a single place and it isn't a credible stance. Countries supposedly 'supplying' their share, simply won't. They haven't over Greece and they won't ever. Printing banknotes is a cover, not a cure. There are way too many idiots in politics today and politicians just talk to themselves, they have forgotten what their real role is, whilst concentrating on their own importance.

Until these people come back into the real world nothing will improve and both predatory capitalists and socialists will stalk their prey. Which is you and me. Socialists seek to control, over money, lives and  every aspect of life. Capitalists just want to get rich and the more chaotic society is, as a result of socialism trying to take over, the better they like it. No one is watching them.

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