Good grief! There is no fuel shortage. There is no strike pending or planned, that would affect supplies. Even so, with a level of stupidity that beggars belief, Francis Maude urges drivers to 'stock up' on fuel. Maybe keeping some in jerry cans 'in the garage'.
It didn't take long for the criticism (richly deserved) to start. The Fire Brigades Union said it was stupid and dangerous advice and the law limits what you can store anyway. (Why the Union by the way, cannot the actual fire service give this advice? Or was the comment political opportunism. Ah yes).
Maude though, once pursued into the hole he had dug, decided not to stop digging, but to accelerate the process. Wearing an 'I'm with supid' T shirt, with the arrow pointing at his head, Maude continued to stress that people should keep their car's fuel tanks topped up, 'just in case'. In case of what?? Someone should stuff a pasty in his mouth.
When the Unite political strike, timed to coincide with anger at fuel price increases through the Budget, which has absolutely to do with the strike threat but people probably won't realise that, does happen we will have advance warning. Then we need to consider 'strategies'.
As an example of how stupid and ignorant people are today, unable to make decisions based on actual facts, but instead do 'what they are told', the panic buying of petrol can hardly be beat. What a nation of fools we are.
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