Thursday, 8 March 2012

Question Time, Again

Still no idea why I subject myself like this, but sometimes it is good sport to watch the couldn't-care-less-about-the-damage lefties coming up with ideas of the greatest stupidity. Like someone skewering the extremely self impressed Will Self by saying, if there are not many £2m houses, why have a tax on them? Self then squirmed and twisted, but grudgingly admitted it wasn't a great idea, but then suddenly said 'but I didn't think of it!' as if that had any importance. He just wants it for the usual leftie reason; spite.

Will Young is for gay marriage, apparently. I guess people on death row would vote to abolish capital punishment. I still don't understand why the homosexual community don't understand that society invented marriage to create a family unit as a stable way to raise children. That the 'attraction' is just to procreate, we are a slave to it. Homosexuals cannot procreate and this is the essential difference.

A man who cannot supply the seed or a woman who cannot conceive are not the same as homosexuals in this respect, because they are drawn to the opposite sex by nature, as if they could conceive. Homosexuals are drawn to the same sex, contrary to the genetic coding to procreate and that is not a dangerous thing. It is a fact. I'm sure we could devise drugs to make everyone gay, but I'm not sure there is a future in that.

I don't really see it as a command from God, so the Church's angle is not something I am concerned with, it is the power politics being enacted by some homosexuals. I'm sure also that homosexuals, who demand that the word 'normal' cannot be applied to sexuality (which kind of ignores why one human being would be attracted to another at all), want to have marriages just like everyone else so they can claim to be mainstream. It is why they also demand to be handed or allowed to purchase children (the child of course, having no rights in our society).

Will Young keeps talking about being terrified by certain language, well he should try seeing it from the position of someone who doesn't think he has power on his side. Those people have to suffer, literally in silence, an outrageous assault on the freedom of speech that we once had. A world where I can have an opinion that someone else may oppose. We don't have to fight or even get nasty. We can just debate, disagree or ignore. But gays apparently need something else. They need to have a special category of crime; hate crime. This of course is based on the way you think. And that isn't worrying?

Hold on though, I don't think you are allowed to oppose Climate Change, so perhaps it is any leftist agenda that is protected by the tag hate crime?

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