What is going on with Cameron and Obama? Obama is issuing a seemingly endless stream of platitudes about Cameron and Britain, best mates etc etc. He flies Cameron to a basketball game! Janet Daley has speculated on her blog that maybe an agreemnet is being reached over Iran.
But now we have this bizarre notion of releasing oil reserves to bring down the price of oil (as opposed to reducing tax, which is what a Conservative would do). Mind you, Iran likes high oil prices so maybe there is something in it.
I have always said that it would be a great idea to develop a technology to replace oil, if only to stuff the regimes in the Middle East, who since they became wealthy on oil revenue have acted very much like spoilt children. Complete with tantrums.
When you see them all lined up for the photo shoot, Samantha Cameron seems genuinely unhappy to be in the limelight and Michelle unhappy that people think Barack is the President. I'm sure she gives her husband a sense of perspective away from the cameras.
Don't you just love the display of disconnection when Cameron, talking to US students said that the price of filling up a car in Britain would make them faint. Luckily, it doesn't particularly concern the ferried-around Prime Minister with a multi million pound cushion, who seems completely unaware of where much of the eye-watering cost to the motorist comes from.
Does Cameron the PR man know how he comes across? I mean an honest version of him, confronted by an old lady freezing to death because she can't afford to heat her home, due to his love of the Green scam, would say 'I don't care'. Because that is how he appears; stupid for believing such dumb ideas as wind farms and Global Warming and careless because he never does anything to help the people of Britain. He is completely and utterly wrapped up in being a politician, as if it were an end in itself.
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