On BBC Breakfast, discussing the US Presidential elections they said that surely Romney represents all that went wrong recently, deregulation, capitalism? It is this kind of loaded, when did you stop beating your wife, statements that makes the BBC the ridiculous rump it is, that makes listening to them on any subject entirely pointless. If that was true then so would be that Obama, representing the socialist approach is harking back to Stalin and mass murder by the State.
This story that has been planted in people's minds is very dangerous. Capitalism is what has enriched the world, has led to major advancements on every front. Marxism, socialism has at the very least introduced systems to hold people down and at the extreme, tyranny. Allowing a person or a group of people absolute power, taking away earnings so that the State in the form of these people will decide how your money should be spent, is so obviously a bad idea that it is incredible that, through the spread of a story, it has become the norm.
Look at how it invades without substance. Jeffrey Archer isn't well liked and was guilty, but why did he get the longest sentence for perjury ever? Because he was a Conservative. Why, when MacShane has been found to have defrauded Parliament and the taxpayer through expenses fiddles is the law so slow in pursuing him? Because he isn't a Tory. Why was Tony Blair not impeached, why was he not arrested over the lies leading to the invasion of Iraq, why not for the illegal slaughter of farmers animals? Because he isn't a Tory.
The Conservative Party have done nothing to earn this reputation, it is a story put about, constantly by the Left and like all propaganda, with repeated telling it comes to be believed. Thatcher did many extremely good things for Britain, including a rebate from the EU, which we are told by the Left is impossible. But she is demonised without real substance and yet 13 years of a corrupt Labour administration passes with scant mention (because the 'Right' don't do slurs, generally).
Whilst a few individual Tories were corrupt and were imprisoned for it, Blair and Brown institutionalised sleaze and were open for business of a very corrupt kind, but who was prosecuted? Mandelson for lying on a mortgage application? No, that is only wrong if you do it.
One thing is certain though, no matter what the narrative of the Left says, if Obama gets in again, to spend another 4 years posturing with no substance, America is doomed.
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