Saturday, 17 November 2012

What Being A Leader Means

David Cameron is the leader of the Conservative Party, even though he doesn't seem to have any alignment himself with Conservative values. But his bigger problem appears to be how his leadership is going.

Cameron came to government with a number of key issues close to his heart. He thinks it is really important that we give lots of money to foreign countries and he declared he would increase the amount sprayed overseas. He declared his love of the EU and he showed his deep seated dedication to 'green' issues by installing a small turbine on his house.

Today we hear that a minister is proposing to cut aid to a second country, because it is either unnecessary or being stolen, just like everyone except Cameron thought it would be. The EU is massively opposed in Britain (on the grounds that it has no utility, nor a single reason for existing) and is destroying itself over the Euro and trade barriers. Added to which a party exists which easily steals votes by not just calling for an independent UK, but also having other policies that make it actually the Conservative Party. But it is called UKIP.

And now we have ministers starting to point out that wind turbines are completely and utterly useless. Except that they make landowners a bit richer and foreign energy companies a lot richer. Oh and rather a lot is added to your energy bill to pay these leeches.

I think the reason that they are saying this is that the political benefits of supporting 'renewables' is drying up and they are either checking the facts themselves, or just admitting what they already knew. Of course the breakthrough will come when they also admit that 'Climate Change' alarmism is a fantasy and is driven not by science, but by lobby groups such as Greenpeace and WWF, who are merely seeking influence and money.

Being lied to by politicians is what we pretty much expect, by the Global Warming scam has been particularly pernicious and is by far the most dangerous. It is so bad it almost transcends any hint of mendacity and becomes insanity. Can we hope that reason returns within our lifetimes? Can we leave the EU and stop believing junk science at the same time?

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