It is said that those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat history and yet some who study history use it to repeat it, deliberately. Though they learn to deal with previous mistakes.
The Left of the 1950's and 60's was having a pretty good time. Their strength was increasing and the West's reaction to the threat it posed was panicky bordering on paranoia. Due to the standoff caused by nuclear weapons and the awesome industrial power of the West, particularly America, the Left found itself checked. A slow demise began, culminating in the collapse of the Soviet Union.
The Left already knew it was fighting a multi-pronged war and merely accelerated the bit that wasn't being so challenged; the intellectual. At root what the Left offers the common man is this; we, the state will control everything you do, any money you make we will take away for 'redistribution'. You must always show loyalty to the state. You exist to serve the state. In return we will offer full employment in a debased society.
It doesn't sound too enticing and the leadership of the Left were not suggesting they change anything. So, to achieve their goals they would have to lie.
All of this must be seen in a modern context, in an age of machines and rapid movement, of communications and air travel. This is the environment that the Left must deal in, must dominate. The war Hitler fought was called a Total War. It knew no limitations and it required the dedication of the whole population and the commitment of the economy. Stalin, the other great authoritarian was planning for this too.
Why did they feel they needed to? Because they intended, as detailed above, to do unpopular things at home and abroad. If unpopular, how was power achieved, why was it not strangled at birth? Because it hid its real desires, hid its plans.
Here are the connections to the Left today. It continues in the same vein, but with different methods. Building tanks and planes attracts attention and would be even less likely to succeed against the US today than in the past. No, the war must be conducted from within and in secret.
We are aware of course, of the actions to infiltrate and dominate the institutions as suggested by Gramsci. We know about the work of 'political correctness' in cowing the people, stifling debate and allowing the Left to define and create the field of battle. In response, our culture has been unbelievably Chamberlain-esque.
There is a relentless propaganda war, with 'studies' by 'experts' who propose the break up of the traditional family unit, who promote welfare benefits that push the same result. We see children targeted by the lobby groups of the Left pushing 'environmental' agendas which are nothing of the sort. They are global campaigns against capitalism.
The Hitler Youth is now the Animal activist, the eco-warrior, the violent demonstrator against capitalism and the global conspiracy by rich men who pull the levers of power (probably Jews, as well!). These all use violence against imaginary and poorly defined enemies.
Linked to all this we find the larger scale push of the EU, the armoured thrust of this force. Consider; the EU promotes itself through school 'programmes' of no merit. It asks young people to form groups to push the benefits of the EU.
The EU itself is a bald statement for lebensraum requiring sovereign countries to give themselves up for the greater good of Europe. It is anschluss, it is collectivism. The peasants of Europe (not plebs, that would be a terrible thing to say) were told that in order to survive, they needed to bring together their economies into one vast state. This country, the EU, would nurture them and protect them, in exchange for their loyalty.
Naturally, the project would be hindered if all the differing regions of Europe could vote on this and that, on parochial issues so democracy would need to be deleted from the government of Europe. But this would be fine, because of the beneficence of those who ran the EU. You elect local MP's and then find that they do what the EU tells them as EU law has 'primacy'. You elect MEP's and then find that they don't actually do law making they just enact the laws devised by the bureaucrats of the EU, who are the real power and most certainly are not elected. The MEP's vote on the laws proposed, but if they turn something down, they will be invited to try again and again until they get it 'right'.
And, as Hitler and every other despot knows, symbols are important, so the 'ring of stars' must be displayed everywhere possible. All of these things are currently being enacted all around us by the Left, who smile in your face as the dagger is poised out of sight.
The longer we leave challenging these people the worse will be the casualties, the material damage of facing up to them, just as a war with Hitler before he was ready could have saved so many lives and so much destruction and treasure. This may not (yet) be a war of tanks and guns but it is every bit as dangerous and we must start to fight back. We must do what Chamberlain did not do and realise not just who the enemy is but just what level of evil they represent.
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