Monday, 19 November 2012

What's Left?

We have had decades of the Left attempting to undermine Western Civilisation; to destroy the traditional family, to impoverish our education system of its rigour, to cripple individual thought and to demonise capitalism.

But all of a sudden, the blows are coming one after another. The energy scam, that costs all of us a fortune through increased taxes and increased fuel costs, is now being seen for what it is. Political corruption, institutionalised under Blair is in the limelight, the BBC and all Left wing media is constantly being caught out for its arrogance, its lies and its bias.

The EU is falling apart just as they thought they were at the tipping point to truly gaining an irreversible Soviet republic, without any hint of democracy. And it is as frightening as it can get. France has hidden for a very long time that it is broke. Now one of the big contributors to the EU, the UK, is asking for cut backs and may even leave the EU. For France this would be a disaster. They rely for their survival on vast sums of EU funds diverted to them, as they designed from the outset they should, and cannot exist without them.

Greece may be economically corrupt and incapable of balancing a budget, but France has long been morally bankrupt, following Left influences, which to be fair have worked a treat for quite some time. But in times of stress weaknesses become apparent and today we have the double stress of a corrupt banking system falling apart (and who encouraged that?) and the corrupt system of the Euro.

At every turn you find the light shining on the Left, caught out like rats in a dark room. The attempt to exert their control over the Press has been exposed too, as the Leveson inquiry has been found to be almost exclusively advised by Left wing activists, intent on gagging a free press.

In many ways we are at a similar moment that the other great Left wing schemer, Hitler, found himself in when confronting Weimar. He was able to con a nation to his will, the Left since have had to work covertly over a longer period of time. But whilst he was able to keep hidden what a monster he was and what disasters he would bring on everyone, the Left today are exposed. We should break its back now, decisively and completely.

Have we ever acted so boldly outside war? There certainly is much talk of a need for a strong character, a Churchill, but all we have is Cameron and Miliband. Pipsqueaks when compared to mediocrity, let alone greatness.

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