Thursday, 14 December 2017

Good God, Really? Brexit!

I'm pretty sure that everyone outside the Westminster bubble are mightily fed up with all the Brexit shenanigans. Seriously guys, as our American friends would say, get with the programme!

Basically, if you go right to the root of it, the problem is the modern misconception that has grown amongst the lightweights now in office as MP's and civil servants. That misconception is that they run the country, which of course they don't. There is some room to suggest that the dictatorship that is the European Union may have misled them, but whatever, it isn't quite true yet.

No, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is managed on behalf of the people by our MP's, who seek assistance in the implementation of accepted policies by an employed bureaucracy - the civil servants. MP's do not entertain themselves with their own personal opinions at our expense and civil servants have no role whatsoever in 'decision making'.

You can see immediately that in Britain today the belief amongst these people of little imagination, is that they are very much in charge. The swing away from Theresa May at the last General Election occurred as she lunged to the Left and put back on the shelf all the sensible, Conservative ideas she espoused at the outset. The people were indicating they wanted a strong nation in a strong recovery, not some sixth-form politics inspired Marxist Utopia.

The idea that the people own the law is very strange to the governments of the Continent and of course, abhorrent to those trying to establish an anti-democratic Empire.

So, to make it abundantly clear; the people of the UK voted to request and require of their government that the nation should leave the EU (be rescued, in fact). A meaningful vote had been held in parliament that whatever the people decided would be held to by all parties.

Which begs the question, why are we being daily assaulted by news of the latest petulant outburst from MP's who feel their personal opinion has any bearing? Why does the Marxist Party (Corbyn's so called Labour) keep putting obstacles in the way? They agreed to follow the will of the people by referendum (I get that, being simple-minded they can't remember the last piece of nonsense they uttered), so why all the opposition?

It really is stunningly simple, by whatever mechanism exists (Article 50, written by a Brit!) we are to leave the EU. It is then beholden on the EU to suggest what would be the relationship afterwards. Not least because they need us more than we need them, although a big point of annoyance to the outfit is the loss of our subscriptions. Hence the singular fixation in the EU with obtaining cash from us.

As far as I can see, those currently interfering with the smooth progress of an agreed and mandated action required of parliament places them in contempt. No MP impeding the will of the people has the right to draw funds from the taxpayers and so must be dismissed with. Call it an incentive or just encouragement.

But otherwise, just get on with it, we have been chained to a corpse for too long.

Friday, 6 October 2017

The Value Of Persistence

The persistence of the Left leaning journalists has paid off. They kept talking about the threats to Theresa May's premiership and literally nobody cared. They just lived in their own fevered bubble. Now though, their constant refrain has driven one self-absorbed MP to declare he would like to challenge, buoyed by believing Leftie journo's.

Of course there is dispute about the way things are going and ultimately it always comes back to the leader. Personally, I have no specific problem with Theresa May as a person, but where the hell are her 'ideas' coming from? Someone of influence has convinced her that adopting Labour policies is the only way to go. It clearly isn't working, but they are sticking with it.

May called a snap election because she thought the omens were there to get a real working majority to get things done. And I believe the country was ready to vote in precisely that way. OK so a lot of not very clever people, who had also recently been to university, fell for a ruse by the Marxist Corbyn, but the idea was still sound.

What actually caused the upset was the nonsense that May came out with as Conservative policies. Once they were aired, the vote deserted her party en bloc. And we have seen it since; every time it looks like the Conservatives say something robustly Tory the popularity of the party soars, then May announces a Labour-lite version and the shoulders slump.

Like a sufferer of domestic abuse, May goes to the EU, with sound and sensible ideas and gets abused. She gets angry (we've seen flashes of it), then forgives them and goes back for more. We are breaking up with them, so a temporary tantrum won't harm. Either they talk sense or we walk away. So we argue over the LP's (and they're all scratched), but we will get over it; banging your head on the wall might be habit forming, but it is going to be great when you stop!

The EU is an anti-democratic construct, held together by lies, a construct that the UK cannot ever have joined legally. But none of that matters apparently to the Remainers, who cling to nurse for fear of something worse, like the most timorous of children. May needs to lead the grown ups, and parenting (which she has been cruelly denied) is like leadership, you have to set boundaries, make your position on an issue crystal clear. Tell it like it is.

If you do, you will be unpopular with all the people that don't matter and achieve results of real and lasting importance to the whole nation.

Or maybe you and your simpleton advisors are right Theresa, the Conservatives have to become the Socialists while Labour have become the Communists.

Tuesday, 3 October 2017

For Left Inspired Opinion, Watch BBC News

I know this isn't a shock (the shock is, that with legal obligations the BBC are allowed to ignore them), but BBC News is actually just opinion through Left wing ideologically tinted glasses.

This morning Teresa may was 'interviewed' on Breakfast TV. The interview pretty much consisted of trying to trip her up on her Brexit talks or get her to say something negative about Boris Johnson. You know, stuff that only really matters to Leftie journalists and no-one else. It failed.

So then they went over to one of their own journalists and asked his opinion of what she had said. Why? Who cares? But of course, it looks like independent verification of Leftie ideas.

There is plenty of scope for a truly independent journalist to tear into the Conservatives and their, so far, bland conference. Conservatives (at least, traditionally) are about small government, individual liberty, freedom of opportunity and equality before the law.

What we currently have is a high spending looks-like-Labour Tory party that is in danger of appealing to absolutely no-one.

The still in sixth form journalists posing as adults on the BBC could just ask May "why don't you massively shrink the bloated state sector? Tony Blair, a man of no use or utility, hugely increased the state payroll to acquire client voters, so why not reverse it and close down the ever-increasing debt mountain?

Why not point out the damage not only the Labour actions of the Seventies did to Britain, but the current mess left by the policies and action of Blair and Brown? Having done so, you can then move on to the painful process of dealing with it. It is not the fault of those employed in the pointless bureaucracies and quangos dreamed up by Blair, that they are so employed. But for the sake of the country these constructs and their jobs need to go.

By being honest and up-front we can perhaps give them time to find alternative employment (though people like Shami Chakrabarti need a special kind of employer), before shutting the doors.

Why not change the school curriculum to include education on the agenda instead of endless Marxist propaganda. Then the future won't consist of emotionally weak, under educated snowflakes, but with people of drive, skilled and imaginative.

Hell, even without a proper education, how about an open science lesson about Climate Change; it would be an hour well spent and then the day after we can withdraw all the green-scam subsidies and reduce everyone's energy bills. The shock may melt some snowflakes and cause the rent-seekers to squeal like stuck pigs, but it would also save the lives of the pensioners condemned to die of cold this winter, because they can't afford to pay to heat their homes and enrich charlatans.

Monday, 2 October 2017

Messy Politics

Three aspects cause national upsets; the will of the people, alliances and hubris. Currently, the will of the people in the UK is quite distressing as the cult of self instigated under Tony Blair continues to bite, under the further influence of Marxist propaganda (particularly through the education system).

I say the will of the people is distressing because it lacks any ability to act rationally, with youngsters voting for very dangerous Totalitarians. Because there was a completely disingenuous offer to delete their student debt floated around. That they were stupid enough to believe such rubbish and so quickly, shows just how many of our youngsters today are taking a very long time to reach actual maturity.

Poorly educated (deliberately) and way too dependent, they besmirch those who fought to give them the right to vote. (They also, spit in the face of their grandparents and great grandparents who fought Totalitarianism to give them freedom - freedom they now wish to surrender).

Elsewhere, the ancient ideology that Nation States cause wars and must be deleted (for large empires, strangely, led by those who caused most of the wars, to gain an empire), finds itself in a  conundrum. All around the world, people show their desire to retain local identity, things they feel real allegiance to and that give them comfort in the familiar.

So we have the Catalans trying to ask the question, would they like to be an independent state? Nothing more than that, a poll to discover the strength of feeling of the people in the local area. The National government of Spain has said that to cede is illegal and so the referendum would be pointless.

OK, so that is the current legal view, but if the Catalans are not happy with it, then perhaps dialogue should commence? No, those in power do not want to see it 'undermined' and send in their paramilitaries to forcefully interfere with a harmless information gathering exercise (which is what the referendum surely is).

These officers of the state attacked the Catalan people deliberately and for no good reason. Illegally too, I'm sure, because the lovely Constitution of Spain may well insist Spain must always be what it is now, a single unit (albeit, interestingly, under the control of a foreign power as they ceded the whole country to Brussels), but I don't think local areas having a poll, regardless of the subject, is a crime?

Jeremy Corbyn, leading of course his own blackshirts, objects to this violence and demands Teresa May speak to the Spanish authorities. Naturally, the Venezuelan paramilitaries attacking their own people is fine by Jezza, because the government there is Communists. Violence by Communist regimes is expected, indeed part of the ideology, so what could Jeremy possibly object to?

And then there is the EU. They are completely silent about the violence perpetrated by a member state, supposedly under their control. But then they have to be, otherwise their whole project is in jeopardy, just like it needs to cause as much problem as possible to the UK, pour encourager les autres.

I'm sure the bureaucrats of the EU don't want people's heads cracked, but what to do? Firstly, hubris demands they do not give in, secondly, they are allied in spirit with the Spanish authorities and cannot therefore criticise what any human being would normally criticise. It leads to more violence of course, but the politicians are locked into positions; their ideology.

If only the will of the people could be suppressed, given no outlet to share ideas. Certainly, the leaders of the secretive EU have long thought democracy an inconvenient idea, so damaging to their project. For proof look no further than the 'stupid' decision to let the British people have their say. The delightful aspect of the UK referendum was plainly that, as yet the British people are not all snowflakes, unable to think for themselves, but can consider the evidence and come to the reasonable conclusion.

In one way I suppose the EU have stopped wars. Because in 1815 Britain and other countries objected to France attempting to create a European empire for itself and again with the Germans in 1914 and 1939, there were terrible wars. Now those very nations have managed to create their empire without war, just by the use of deceit and straightforward lying.

It isn't working and is falling apart (it is run by stupid ideologies, so it would, ideologies of French and German hegemony). Politicians should relearn their role and understand that the will of the people, always wins in the end.

Tuesday, 26 September 2017


Well, we are three-quarters of the way through the year and the NHS seems to be coping well with the vCJD crisis, possibly the only thing it is coping well with. Maybe that's because they hadn't planned for it. Planning in the state sector always seems to involve a lot of meetings, large up front costs and then, not a lot.

But it is strange that they haven't cleared the decks and put the whole system on alert because, some years ago a government expert said that half a million people would die of CJD. Although to be fair, after a rethink, the next year the figure given was 200. Experts aren't called experts for no reason you know.

If I remember rightly, the figure of one million deaths a year by 2017 was also an official prediction. That's not storming along either is it? The figure for this year stands at 69 (and that includes everything linked, including "probable")

Monday, 25 September 2017

Unintended Consequences

Some time ago, doubtless coming in large part from light-weight bureaucrats in Brussels, we began increasing 'workers rights', such as the 48 hour maximum working week, 20 days holiday, temporary rights the same as full time etc etc.

All very laudable and not thought through. Heh! Bureaucrats don't get big salaries and generous pensions to actually do any work! So someone had to be responsible for overseeing all this raft of new legislation and that meant HR. It meant giving more power to HR too. Because now they could sit in a board meeting, listening to all the solid logic of how the company was going to move forward, expand, recover from a crisis, whatever, and at the end the HR harpie (it has traditionally been a female industry, but not exclusively) pipes up 'you can't do that'.

 Like some Fifth-Columnist, or communist commissar watching over the generals and their adherence to ideology, HR wield power for their own aggrandisement. Due to this new, high-powered existence, the recruitment of staff, a key function of HR even after they morphed from being 'Personnel' has been deemed beneath them and unimportant.

Indeed many companies have taken to hiring people from recruitment agencies to operate this function (which was good news for recruiters as, due to the changes coming through from HR, many agencies were going to the wall). They had to operate to strict rules, set by HR though.

The internet has added to the problem as well. HR talk now about direct access to candidates, because they can put their vacancies online. Usually, this means using a 'job board' such as Monster, Jobsite or Indeed, which is much cheaper than the old days of paper ads in specialist magazines.

But even then, particularly for large or specialist companies, the cost wasn't the main issue. It was the volume of responses such an ad generated that was the problem. Now it seems, the volume can be handled. How? Well, the process is basically automated.

If the hiring Manager has given HR a set of skills that he (gender non-specific) is looking for then that is the entire basis of the search. No latitude, no initiative, no actual interest in the role. (Or doing the best for the Manager and the company by getting the best and right candidate).

The objective is to move a piece of paper from one side of the desk to the other. From the In-tray to the Out-tray. In many of the highly specialised roles I recruited for, the skill set was often the starting point, a marker. I had a client who got really excited when I presented him with a CV of a robotics person. The company made emissions sensors - figure that one out, but apparently there was a crossover where this robotics knowledge mattered.

If I hadn't been allowed to talk to the Managers (and in this case the MD) I would have been skills matching and so, quite often wasting their and my time. But HR won't let you talk to hiring Managers, because it undermines their power base. And this attitude has led to companies not getting the talent they need, retarded development of skills across industry and less productivity.

But it has also led to unnecessary unemployment (HR also actively pursue policies such as age-discrimination, but packaged as a rational decision based on future-proofing and the belief that understanding technology is the preserve of the young - all ideology, not fact).

It has led to a 37 year old PA with years of experience being unable to get a job and as a consequence, killing herself. Collateral damage of the need for HR to wield power.

Many years ago, a retired and frustrated HR Director told me that, whilst recruiters refer to HR as 'recruitment prevention officers', he felt a more appropriate epithet was 'the contraceptive on the prick of progress'. Quite.

Tuesday, 29 August 2017

Melting Snowflakes

As a nation, Britain is in an accelerating decline, it seems. We have allowed the Left to infiltrate the Institutions and are now reaping the reward of their industry. Crime is unchecked as the Left indoctrinated senior police officers refuse to go beyond social work and the Leftie judges refuse to punish criminals.

However, possibly the most pathetically sad thing in Britain today is the Mills, the Millennials. Brought up through the Leftist propaganda machine that passes as education, the vast majority of them are completely unprepared for life.

Obviously this was what was intended by the Left, simple people are easier to control, more likely to rely on state guidance and control, to gift away their freedom for someone to look after them. But it is devastating at the personal level.

It is truly shocking to see the references to bullying and 'mental health issues' suffered by children subjected to the terrors of exams. The reason they cannot cope with exams is because they haven't been prepared for them, haven't been educated, let alone prepared to stand on their own two feet and make their way in the world.

They feel genuinely oppressed that life at work and living on your own isn't as easy as Mum and Dad looking after you and paying for everything. When exposed to the glare of the world, these snowflakes melt.

If you are ten minutes late for work every day, but you felt you had left enough time for the journey, a snowflake doesn't consider they need to leave ten minutes earlier. They think that they have done enough and the employer should just accept it. It is oppressive of an employer to insist that the snowflake gets in on time.

Everyone else should consider the wellbeing and anxieties of the snowflake, the snowflake has no obligations.

We have allowed evil people to affect and do terrible things to the children of this country. When will we stand up against the casual tyranny the Left imposes? When will we see Corbyn and his thugs for what they are? Whilst the Left has infected the Institutions, this new Labour group are the pus rising to the surface. Time to lance the boil.

Brexit Confusion

Whilst keeping you in the dark and feeding you manure has long been a necessary for those who support the Sovietisation of Europe, it is interesting how much actual confusion there is over a fairly simple concept.

Under the much-ridiculed-as-out-of-date notion of democracy, a very clear majority of the population voted to leave EU dictatorship whilst there was still time. But it seems there may be a majority of MP's who want to stay part of the political gravy train that is the substance of EU politics, probably for highly moral reasons.

And this is what they understand to be democracy; what they want is most important. The people who elected them should have no say. So they are confused.

Then there is the constant wittering about Britain not having a plan for Brexit, when clearly we do. you invoke Article 50 as the official way of letting the autocrats in Brussels know that the UK is leaving their clutches. There is not much we can do beyond that. The EU have to then let us know how we proceed in dealing with them from here. The EU, not us.

For instance; as we have seen over decades the EU is basically a collection of politicians who emulate six year olds, so they say we have to pay tariffs to sell goods to them. We try to talk them out of it and if they won't then a) we sell to other markets and b)impose tariffs on them.

They come out worse in such a scenario but the essence is, it is led by them. It is their game we are leaving.

Then we are told that we are complete idiots, because there is no way we can conclude the 'negotiations' in two years. There are two problems with this statement; 1) it is entirely possible, but it would require the EU to participate and act like grown-ups and 2) the two years mentioned is an EU statement, part of their Article 50. So, they clearly thought two years enough.

It is obvious that the arrogant and probably insane people who run the EU have never planned for anyone getting away from them. Clearly it is the EU that has no plan. That is the problem. Oh and we should know them by their actions. What is the one thing they have been fixated on since our referendum? Money. How much can they screw out of us.

Wednesday, 16 August 2017

Trump In A China Shop

It is sadly true that Donald Trump pretty much resembles a bull in a china shop when he decides to give his view on something. This is a problem, because, quite often, his instinct for what is right is pretty much spot on.

No-one of a reasonable demeanour would find the ridiculous notion that the colour of a person's skin has anything to do with capability or personality. Obama was an idiot because he is lazy and self-absorbed, not because of his skin.

So, clearly white supremacists are barking up a dead tree. This is not opinion, or current fashion such as gay marriage, this is just a fact. Western culture has been the most successful but the fact that Westerners are white natively, is coincidental, related to place not success.

Those with odious views know they are disliked by pretty much everyone else, so are likely, I would hazard, to strike out and be violent people. It's kind of the way people are. The Left however are very keen on political violence. We see this everywhere, in London, Paris, New York anywhere there is publicity likely. G20 summits, Climate Change gatherings etc.

These people are no less scum than the white supremacist, but absolutely set out to create a violent confrontation that can (and will by the moronic, compliant press) be blamed on the 'Far Right'. To be clear though, this is very much a trick, a sleight of hand. The 'Far Right' are in fact identical to and part of the totalitarian creed that encompasses the Left.

So the violence was really two sets of malign, ignorant and dangerous groups, one who wishes just to get their way within society (white supremacists) and the other wishing to get their way by running society as they see fit (Lefties). Both are detested by the actual Right, which to be the opposite end of the spectrum to them, would be normal, freedom-loving, democratic, liberal people, such as the true Conservatives in the UK (e.g. not Theresa May or David Cameron).

Have we seen, or heard testimony about how the violence started at the white supremacist rally? No we haven't, but we are assured that it was entirely the fault of these 'Far Right' people and Trump not repeating this is an abomination. Or confected rage? It is very likely I feel, given the propensity of the Left to seek violent confrontation, that it was mutual.

That would make Trump's statement correct. When he says that the press can't be trusted to report the facts, he is right; they are not to be trusted. Their interest, as we here see endlessly on the BBC, is to blame him for everything. His name comes up in reports where he can't possibly be involved, but if it's negative, up comes the reference.

There is a phrase that I have never liked , but that seems to fit very well in this kind of situation. The Left have put you in a box regarding what you should see as acceptable, how you should think. Well, try thinking outside the box. The Emperor you know, has no clothes really. And the Left is not your friend.

Tuesday, 15 August 2017

UK Police Service - Customer Number 4 Please

I watched an emergency services programme last night, which I find often to be interesting for reasons our social workers, sorry police service didn't intend. Last night was a minor classic; it contained the central ethos of why UK policing is so bad.

This is the event; a shopping centre security guard calls the police as he has observed a shoplifter and is now following him 'at a safe distance'. The call taker confirms what he is telling them. A while later he calls again. The shoplifter is now in Asda and he can see, from outside that he is stealing bottles of spirits.

Again, the call taker is repeating what he is saying as confirmation. He asks if they have someone on the way. No, comes back the answer but they will send someone now and they should be with you 'within the hour'. The call handler then adds 'if you do detain him call again to update us'.

At this point, I would ask you to consider what you would expect to happen at this point. The police, who you not only are trying to rely on to act in support of maintaining law and order, but who in fact have spent many years telling the public to 'leave it to us', are not going to be there any time soon.

You are paid to safeguard the property of the stores and you are watching, for a second time shoplifting taking place, which is, let's be clear not an offence by name, but constitutes theft, which is covered by the Theft Act. A member of the public can detain an individual, but only the police can arrest. The Crown prosecute the crime.

It would seem that a reasonable person, abandoned by the police, but with a paid duty to prevent theft from shops, would intervene and seek to apprehend the shoplifter. The call handler acknowledged this was highly likely by making the comment about 'if you do detain him'.

As the shoplifter left Asda the security man approached him from behind and tried to detain him by putting his arms under the suspects arms to keep his hands away from his pockets (during interview he said he had seen the shoplifter had 'sharps' in his pocket).

They stumbled and fell over together, one of the bottles smashed and the shoplifter received lacerations to his stomach. The next emergency call was from the ambulance crew requesting police attendance as 'there is blood everywhere and we have the helicopter coming and everything'.

After significant intervention on the scene by the doctor and team, the man died. I think a normal, reasonable person would say that what happened was a tragedy, but an unforeseeable accident. Obviously, it needs to be investigated and the security chap interviewed and CCTV footage reviewed. Not quite what happened.

The security man was arrested for manslaughter and held in custody overnight. How many times have we heard of murder suspects absconding whilst on bail? Too often. Presumably, the police service, faced with a law-abiding member of the public felt emboldened to take strong action. He was clearly a flight risk and possibly a danger to the public. In their world.

Much better to have a quiet, compliant individual in custody than the nasty, violent types they have so often. The (older) sergeant who attended the scene, was seen shaking and near tears, but spoke to camera afterwards to say that the young lad (security) probably did the right thing, but 'did he think through the possible outcome - I don't think so.' What!!?

I guess, fully equipped with hindsight he is saying that, in the moments available to him to consider what to do next, the security chap should have done a full risk assessment, considered every possible scenario (including, I would hope that this might have only been the opening move to draw off security, for a gang of heavily armed master criminals to storm the store killing many people until Denzel Washington turns up), and only then acted.

Presumably, for this to work, he would also have had to have shown it to a third party and had it signed off, to prove it was in advance of events. There was one last excellent piece though; is two bottles of spirits worth someone's life? If you see someone steal a piece of meat, should you chase them, when this could happen?

Which fairly exactly misses the point of the reason the police exist. It is a tragedy that a man died, but that was not something anyone could have predicted (else, perhaps, the man might not have committed the theft) and it was based on choices that we all make.

I would also ask you to contrast the twisting and turning and the contortions of reason the police try when they 'kill' someone. No we do not see armed officers arrested and held in custody after shooting someone carrying a chair leg in a carrier bag. We get long and technical descriptions of why his actions seemed (quite correctly!) to the officers as those of an armed man about to 'engage them'.

Rather than the completely normal and to a reasonable person understandable, actions of a startled man with a chair leg in a carrier bag. Amongst all of the hand-wringing and angst over the death, no-one in uniform seemed to suggest that this would have been prevented if the police had attended when first called. Did they not consider the possible outcome of their inaction?

Monday, 14 August 2017

Nuclear Spectator

I like the Spectator magazine, it is a really good read. Generally. Sure much of it conforms to and probably reinforces my own views, but there is other stuff, from the outrageousness (sometimes) of Taki to the small problems of setting up free schools. I can't be bothered with Matthew Parris any more. His inability to grasp the notion of democracy is becoming tedious, as is his certainty that his personal opinion should hold sway over a nation.

He is very unlike a Spectator person I would have thought. I don't mind being convinced by argument and I am not afraid of opposing ideas, but just bleating on about not getting your own way is beyond the pale and makes him unreadable.

But, OMG Jacob Heilbrunn has really ruined the current edition. What editor could allow such patent tripe to be submitted under their cover, as this fatuous drivel on 'Going Nuclear'? I will admit, I had to give up reading it. You don't like Trump Jacob, I got that two paragraphs in, but you persist. And it is not only tedious, it is boring and what is the point of reading your personal opinion if it is not based on facts, but more the screaming of a five year old, stamping their foot as reinforcement?

You assert, as a fact that Trump is threatening nuclear war (which he hasn't) and back it up by saying his statement was eerily similar to Truman threatening Japan after the first atomic bomb was dropped (but it isn't). By quoting Truman you give the lie to your own assertion.

You maintain that Trump saying he would unleash "fire and fury like the world has never seen" was just like Truman saying "It is harnessing the power of the universe. Behind this air attack will follow sea and land forces in such numbers and power as they have not yet seen". Clearly, the latter part, referring to conventional forces is the bit that is similar.

That however, wouldn't fit with the pointless point Jacob is making; that he doesn't like Trump and, basically, Jacob is always right. And probably the only people who voted for Trump were unintelligent, unlike Jacob. He then goes on to suggest Trump is actually promoting his golf Clubs not threatening North Korea.

The man's an idiot. And I don't mean Trump this time. Consider too, that Jacob Heilbrunn gets paid to write! In this case by the Spectator - did no-one read the article before publishing it!?

Wednesday, 9 August 2017

What's Wrong? I'll Tell You

It does say on this blog that it is personal opinion. Good, that's that covered now to press on.

We find ourselves in all sorts of bad places at the moment, kind of forming a single feeling of, well being in a bad place. You know, education doesn't seem to be working, immigration seems a problem but you don't want to sound horrible, hospitals can't cope apparently, politicians are in their own little world, which is not what you imagined they were for and then there's the news.

How can all this be happening? All at once. Well your culpability is that you weren't paying attention. Now, whilst some of it was intended to evade your notice, the glaringly obvious also slipped by. Hello? Tony Blair? Really, you elected him? And then did it again? How many clues do you need? No wonder the actual problem went undetected!

On healthcare; basically a good idea run by the wrong people. The NHS 'free at the point of delivery' is just like any other insurance paid for scheme, but is run by a state bureaucracy. Time and again these are proven to be the worst people to allow to run anything. Soldiers achieve great things on battlefields, doctors and nurses do great things on the front line, but take a step back and the managers, the MOD are a shambles of incompetence, entitlement and waste.

Doctors and nurses are not coming out of this as unmitigated heroes though. Nurses used to do the basic tasks on wards, which were clean, functional and caring places. Now nurses don't receive training, they are educated, to degree level. This new understanding of their own importance means they no longer concern themselves with menial tasks and assistants have had to be hired to do those jobs. Wards are now dirty with poor standards of actual care.

When you go in to hospital, you are an inconvenience, you mess with their numbers. Cost them money. So you are allocated a number and processed through the system, with everyone focussed on maximising the efficiency of the system, to please managers and bureaucrats. You are no longer a patient with an ailment, you are a form, to be processed. You might get what you need quickly enough and you might not.

Complaints of course crop up, but the defence mechanism is continually oiled for this possibility. How dare you criticise doctors and nurses? Whatever went wrong, it will be cuts (if Tories are in power) or swept under the carpet if 'socialists' hold sway.

And there it is, the first mention of socialists. It isn't socialism that is the issue though. This thoroughly acceptable political thought process is not to blame as it hasn't been heard around here for a very long time. No, Marxism is what is at work. Gramsci and the long march through the institutions is at work.

Education is a good example of what is going on and it is of key interest to Marxists of course. You will hear from time to time bleatings about 'unqualified' teachers. This is usually about free schools, a recent introduction. And naturally, hearing that teachers are unqualified instantly makes you think they must be substandard. But do you ask what a qualified teacher is? No, you don't.

A 'qualified' teacher is one that has progressed through a Union run institution where they mainly receive left oriented political indoctrination. It is the reason almost every teacher sings the Red Flag (of communism) when a 'socialist' government is elected. It is why they go on strike and hate 'the Tories' It is why you hear of 'cuts' whether there are any or not.

For the Marxists, a poor education system that promotes left ideology is essential, firstly to help destabilise society, but also, when they win (Marxists deal in inevitabilities) they need a lumpen mass of proles to do the menial work, to do what they are told, to come to rely entirely on the state. And what are our educational establishments churning out? Functionally illiterate snowflakes, unable to discover facts, handle the truth or debate.

The same Marxist approach is happening of course, within the police, all state bureaucracies, the judiciary and not least the media. One particularly powerful weapon they deploy is Political Correctness. This is an immensely useful option as, whenever they don't have an answer, can't engage in debate (i.e. most of the time) they encourage the use of the phrase 'you can't say that'.

Things become unsayable, beyond the pale, not because they actually are, in a fair reasonable society, but because it serves Marxist ideology. You are 'not allowed' to talk about black on black crime, even though it is a very real problem and makes a misery of many lives.

For the Marxists you have to be stupid and believe amazing and ridiculous things. Hence, Corbyn isn't seen as dangerous, a hard core Marxist who would turn Britain into Venezuela in the blink of an eye, but as an alternative politician, in line with British tradition. What Marxists cannot achieve through violent revolution, by encouraging you to 'rise up' and put them in dictatorial power, they will get by other duplicitous means.

Let me show you how a cultural hysteria can be used to achieve ridiculous ends. The goal of Marxists is to overthrow the system that made the countries that adopted it wealthy, capitalism. Because of this success, this ability to enhance lives, capitalism has held Marxism in check. So it has to go. But how to get rid of it?

One way is to get the rich countries to spend all their money. But why would they do that and on what? War would not guarantee a good outcome for Marxists and it provides opportunities for capitalism. No, it had to be something fundamentally useless.

Then they had a brainwave, something that would undermine capitalism and show, most amusingly for them, just how stupid modern societies have become under their incessant, malign influence. They said you had to build weapons to defend against dragons. Or rather they said you had to spend enormous amounts of your wealth on combatting 'Global Warming'. This was your fault naturally, because in becoming wealthy through capitalist endeavour, you had damaged the planet.

So, it became fashionable to feel guilty and completely OK to pay for winds farms and solar panels, which are not actually fit for purpose. Some people got rich but most people were being robbed blind and that was the object. To waste money fighting a chimera. So old people die of cold due to fuel poverty, but that doesn't matter against the great scheme of achieving Marxist Utopia.

Are you stupid though? Is Climate Change or whatever the current vogue name is for the scam, not real? Yes, the climate changes, it always has. But we can't stop it and we are certainly not causing it. Oh and yes, it does seem likely you are stupid, because (for once perhaps) think; why would scientists tell you the science is settled, you are not allowed to debate climate change? The Scientific Method requires constant questioning, constant re-evaluation. It requires proof.

That is why you cannot challenge it. Because it is a tissue of lies. It is why they fiddle the temperature records, why they issue vicious attacks whenever a scientist questions the ideology. It is why there is never a debate on TV, why the BBC endlessly pumps out propaganda to support it. A lie told often enough becomes the truth.

So what is wrong with the world today? Simple. We have for too long not stood up against the creeping, malign undermining of decent, civilised society by dangerous, violent Marxists. Demand that the outcome of the education system is a clearly educated child, not happy Marxist inclined teachers, parroting tired, worthless ideology. Demand that common sense and long held laws and norms are returned.

Stand up for the things that work for you, capitalism and decent, civil society and destroy rampant Marxism. And along the way, we can pick up and make great use of a proper, socialist party in our midst. That would be something we have, perhaps never seen.

Thursday, 20 July 2017

Are We Getting There?

I see little signs all the time that the prevailing dominance of Left politics is waning, being 'discovered' even. Maybe things are going to improve? People are starting to question things they have long been told to believe, question why you are 'not allowed to say that'.

Even teachers are coming out of the woodwork protesting at Leftist propaganda being preached within education. And then there are the signs that the 'popularity' of Corbyn may be more based on vote rigging and lies than anything more real or substantive.

Monday, 19 June 2017

Big Issues

There certainly is 'stuff happening' currently. Probably most important, of course, is the danger the nation faces from the attempts to bring about a coup by the Marxists, but mixed up in all that is the absolute scandal of Grenfell Tower and the murder at Finsbury Park.

In reverse order, we have the violence, expected much earlier to be honest, from someone doubtless confused by what is happening in Britain and the authorities response to it. Someone who feels not to have that fundamental understanding of what the country around him is about, what its morals and principles are. And so he lashes out.

Grenfell Tower, well what can you say; a symbol now of how badly modern day Britain can let anyone down and catastrophically so. The issue, once you take all the Marxist politics out of it, is that the building should not have burned so fast and the fixed advice to those who live there of what to do in a fire.

Simply put, stay in your flat in the event of a fire, is sound advice when everything else is in place; clear corridors, working alarms, emergency lighting, clear fire exits and the fire-proof integrity of each flat. But as any military person knows, even the best plans fall apart on contact with the enemy. If the fire doesn't play by the rules, the rules have to change, but we have no mechanism to make those changes, to inform people. So they die.

Tower blocks are the socialist utopia of people who never intend living in one. Admittedly their brutalist, Le Corbusier architecture does suggest the brutal way of living they offer. And from the outset, there was always the compromise with fire. We cannot reach the upper floors externally for fighting a fire or for rescue, so with fingers crossed we say there won't be a need to.

Despite the continuing confused news reports that are more dangerous than annoying (Sky had an interview with a politician who said 'we don't know what the cladding was made of and we need to find out', then ran an article afterwards saying that 'we know what the tiles were made of'), it is clear that modifications to the building had rendered it a death trap.

Whilst the cladding is definitely an issue, I think that there must have been breaches in the inter-floor fire-proofing. Indeed, it seems, between flats. And that will be down to the construction company as well. Whilst Theresa May doesn't seem to be able to come up with a reasonable response to any given circumstance, it is shocking that the Council and even worse, the private companies involved have kept absolutely schtum. I assume this is because they can only incriminate themselves.

We have to take greed, stupidity and corruption seriously and imprison those responsible; it is the proper, British way. Then, deleting all reference to political correctness, we can recover the nations dignity, integrity and promote the genius of our people.

Stupidity, greed and corruption leads us straight on to Corbyn. The disgusting way he and his acolytes have used every tragedy to further the Marxist agenda is something the people need to realise is the normal form of operation for his cabal. If there is violence on the streets they can use it, hence activists turning up to insist on marches (which become violent, with their help). Activists who don't give a damn about Grenfell victims or relatives, who turn up to incite them to violence.

Hopefully, those in England will wake up, as have the Scottish people, to the evil in their midst, using them for the benefit of a thoroughly odious, totalitarian creed, and stop supporting Corbyn in any way, shape or form. People in his constituency should be hanging their heads in shame.

Friday, 9 June 2017

Well You Cocked That Up, Theresa

No matter what else went on, Mrs. May has managed to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Corbyn pulled a masterstroke it has to be said, by offering endless giveaways, none actually possible, to empty-headed, lazy, well-off hipsters and students, too dim to realise they are being played.

In some ways, you wanted Corbyn to win so these Wuckfits would reap what they sowed (and refuse to take responsibility as they watch the country and their own futures go down the plughole). But that would be an act of self-harm to prove a point. After the arrogant, ignorant layabouts blamed "unintelligent old people" for ruining their lives by leaving the EU.

No really, we are at that level of simple stupidity.

We don't do extreme politics in Britain, we don't have revolutions, we have proper law, half decent democracy and a good standard of living. But the uneducated, useful idiots bred for the task are changing all that. And even being asked to vote for a party led by a man who actively supports and works to further the aims of terrorists, doesn't alarm them.

So we know Corbyn co-opted the vote-Labour-forever tribe and conned not very bright youngsters with its schoolroom politics, but what did May do?

To start with, she made the campaign about her; strong, stable leadership. But she hadn't really established herself and normal, thinking people were slightly offended in a "who does this woman think she is" kind of way.

Then, to make herself appealing to Labour voters, to destroy Labour as a party, she launched some un-thought-out policies which quickly rebounded. She never pushed the real Corbyn hiding behind the soft voice and the cabal of, frankly, evil henchmen and women hovering around him, like flies on a turd.

She didn't talk about the things Tories are doing and will do and about the communist threat to the Labour Party and the country from the nasty party Marxists. And myriad other things, that should have made winning the election a stroll.

As you can see from the Conservative swings in safe Labour seats and the success in Scotland, people who struggle, in more depressed areas have no time for communism and posturing by a bunch of incompetents trying to takeover, not just the Labour Party but the country.

Thanks Theresa, for the mess you have left us in and for not being a proper Conservative. One who said that she thought we should stay in the EU at the start of the referendum campaigning and then vanished.

Friday, 2 June 2017

How Did We Get Here?

So Trump has left the meaningless jumble of countries signing that they may or may not reduce their CO2 output, for spurious and unsubstantiated reasons. Cue lots of wailing. Why? Why are we committed to Global Warming/Climate Change? Why mustn't it be debated? Why must the scientific method not be applied to climate change research?

Why don't people challenge these things? Well if you are a selfish idiot, the prerequisites for being a Marxist, then you will have to come up with a plan, a strategy to get your way (no one would vote for it, of course!)

First you need a wealthy, lazy, poorly-educated bloc. That would be the West then, with the poor education taken care of by Marxists infiltrating schools and introducing crackpot ideas of teaching that leaves children functionally illiterate. Tick.

Then, you need to come up with something big, something terrible, with a timescale to give it some immediacy. Something that can be portrayed as fashionable (hence of huge importance to the Rich, Wealthy, Dimwits), but that needs enormous amounts of money to 'cure'.

It is preferable that it is actually not true, in case it does get 'cured', or goes away of its own volition. Once a thing is fashionable, who is going to put down their Quinoa and say "the Emperor has no clothes"?

Man Made Global Warming! The idea that CO2 could cause a warming of the planet is rooted in sound science and if we were to output many hundreds of times what we are currently producing then, plausibly we could affect climate.

Modify the above though and say current levels are dangerous. Say that if we don't destroy our economies and stop driving cars, lorries, flying planes and making stuff, the world will fry. Governments will do what they always do and give some funds for people to find out this is true, which gets them and others, more funding.

And we are off! Now you have a client group who rely on finding a truth that doesn't exist. You don't get funds now, if you say it isn't so. And to protect their racket the funded tell the 'deniers' to go away, with limitless personal abuse and ridicule. You know, strong scientific argument.

This client group of Scientists-Who-Used-To-Have-Principles are the useful idiots who unbelievably keep the Marxist's quest alive for them by being the 'authority consensus'. Is it real? Ask a scientist! And the RWD's swallow it because they are not very bright, not used to discovering things, but they know what is fashionable and that's always more important.

And there you have it; the West is self harming, destroying its wealth and ability to continue by spending all its treasure chasing a chimera. To convince the pixies not to harm us - here be dragons!

Ironically, it is all hot air. If the Marxists and their useful idiots stop breathing there would be a) less plant food (CO2) and b) no one claiming that MMGW is real. Just a real scientific analysis that would say; why don't we try to develop technologies to stop us chucking all these various fumes into the air?

Pollution is an issue, and scant resource is being directed to changing it, mainly because of the mis-direction of Global Warming and partly because of the vested interest in the massive, worldwide infrastructure for obtaining, refining and selling oil based products.

Proper, well thought out technologies, not state subsidised moron fests like wind turbines, solar panels and electric cars. And we need to recognise Marxists for what they are, from the obviously aggressive to the smiling, soft spoken ne'er do wells like Jeremy Corbyn.

Thursday, 1 June 2017

The Appeal Of Youth

After the EU referendum, the young were shrill about how it was the old people (you know, their parents, the people who gave up more than just money for them), who had ruined their futures by voting to leave the EU. In the same way that a university education hadn't helped them, they felt it unnecessary to base their opinions on any actual understanding.

Such as, what is the EU? When did it start? What were its objectives? Is it democratic? And if you think it is, explain how. Fairly certain most of the whinging youngsters wouldn't have a clue on any of this. But more importantly, they also don't understand why that is important.

After all, they have read stuff, in passing on social media about the EU and their friends say it is good, so, like, research done, stop hassling me.

Actually, their parents along with countless other old people they don't know, have deliberately not given them the money they need to 'do stuff'. Despite being rich enough to do so, having a house and pension and all. It seems, that these horrible people, who spent money bringing up children, buying their homes and paying into pension schemes, now expect their offspring to do the same! You can hear them;

Imagine! Like, where to begin. I've been to university and everything. I mean, it was the unintelligent, older people who voted Brexit. Just because they know where countries are, how to spell properly, understand the country's history and can conduct a rational debate, doesn't mean they are intelligent.

I bet most of them don't believe in Climate Change! More ruining our futures! Apparently they base this ridiculous assertion on some notion they have that you study the scientific data and you, get this, observe reality! Morons, I've been to university (I probably hadn't mentioned that) and I know study has no place in science. You let other people do that, and then they tell you what is right.

You can trust them because they get paid to do this stuff. All the oldies want to do is wreck our futures and debate and analyse things.

Well, don't look now but people who think and talk and act like this, are now able to vote. Yep, so no matter how closely linked Corbyn is to terrorism they just won't care. They will go with social media, fake news (a Left speciality) and fluffy emotional stuff. Facts and substance, apart from eing too hard for them, will have no traction. Labour have wrecked the economy each time they have been in and Tories recovered things - will that have an impact? In the main, no, because they will choose not to believe it.

If Corbyn offers cheaper train fares and no tuition fees and more hospitals, none of the 'fluffies' will ask any questions, like can we afford it. As long as they can see a benefit for themselves, that will do. Who cares about the good of the country, that in turn supports everyone, I care about me, they say.

Wednesday, 24 May 2017

Hmm, Troops On The Streets.

In what can only be described as an open and obvious display of panic, the UK government has agreed to deploy troops on the streets. There are all kinds of issues here; on what basis? Aiding the civil power, martial law, or has control been handed to the military?

Are they to guard locations considered targets in a tactical or visible manner? Are they for go or show? Will they have body armour (the police do)? What are their rules of engagement?

Let's look at the decision. It is believed that the Manchester suicide bomber had a device that was sophisticated enough to make it likely others were involved (design, supply?) Plus of course, who made it and who convinced this imbecile to do what he did?

This suggests a wider 'cell' and a still extant ability to strike again. But would they? Well, if we accord them the status of dedicated fighters (soldiers, as the media insist on calling them), then yes. But if, as they undoubtedly are, they are cowards who don't quite make it as human, then they will go to ground, vanish.

The bomb maker is a valuable asset and the 'brains' will have no intention of getting caught, or killed. So my prediction is, that there will be no incident in the coming days, no follow up. Sure some other loner smack-head, psychotic cannabis freak might drive a car at people, but that will just be copying what they see on telly. Certainly no part of a plot.

So again, why the troops? Well, our senior police officers, who have repeatedly shown they are complete and utter failures, will have seen the political opportunity the murder of children presents. Whilst the rank and file want to keep a mainly unarmed force, the senior officers want an armed force (sorry, service).

What kind of ambitious, self-regarding officer of rank would not want to have high profile police, dripping with bags and equipment openly displaying guns? The bigger the better. And helicopters and maybe armoured cars.

But they have had to ask for the unusual and (in Britain) hugely political deployment of soldiers, because that will release the, clearly small number, of available trained firearms officers to face this 'imminent' threat. Of course, if they had the right numbers and the right weapons.....

These 'trained' police, don't forget, managed to shoot and wound the killer of Lee Rigby (despite us being told police can't 'shoot to wound'), shot dead a man with a chair leg in a bag, shot dead a criminal who was naked in his bedroom. They also fell down the stairs trying to deal with an unarmed drunk man who they fired at several times, mainly missing - in a house.

The 'experts' who numbered an instructor in their ranks who shot and wounded a student on a firearms course, in a classroom. And as an interesting aside, the police never get criticised or legally pursued over these events, unlike our hounded soldiers.

Consequently, I see it that the politicking of certain key, yet pathetic figures, has forced the Prime Minister to move to panic measures. And panicking, as Cressida Dick could tell you, if she is about and not under a desk somewhere, doesn't lead to good outcomes.

It was once said that the sign of an effective police force is the absence of crime, not their visibility, rushing around after a crime has been committed. But the fashion today is very much the opposite, that lots of blue lights and guns and robocops shows the police mean business.

This lazy, easy resort to deploying troops is a dangerous precedent, deeply un-British and in the circumstance pertaining, wholly unnecessary anyway. The separation of our volunteer army from the people has always been clear and carefully controlled. Thatcher unleashed the SAS for a particular operation, where their skills were essential at the Princes Gate siege of the Eighties.

Control was, briefly handed over from the civil power (the police) to the military. Once over, so control was handed back. It is that controlled, when done right.

The Army, with high velocity weapons are not the right defence in this situation on urban streets and our police have repeatedly shown themselves too often not fit for purpose. And their leadership, the root of the problem, is of very poor quality.

Dealing with this terrorism is the opposite of what we are doing. The people of Manchester have instinctively got it right, go out and show that we stand together against their plots, brave in the face of danger. What they are doing is standing up for the British values that has and does make our society great.

Thus by inference we reject their value system based on violence and coercion. But the politicians become more martial, they puff and bluster, whilst maintaining all the safeguards to keep terrorism amongst us. The Trojan Horse schools? They are not just not educating children properly, they are the start point for radicalisation, creating division.

The hate preachers - why are they still operating and often true, why are they still here? The potential terrorists returning from fighting for ISIS in Syria. Returning? Don't let them in! Even if, heaven forfend it should cause Corbyn sleepless nights to take such action.

And finally, please can I never be told again, after a terrorist atrocity that the perpetrator was 'known to police'. Or how many plots were prevented (that strangely saw no one arrested, no one is aware they happened and no one goes to prison as a result).

Tuesday, 18 April 2017

General Election: June 8th

Theresa May calls a snap election out of nowhere, just after a paper was speculating that she doesn't like being PM and can't wait to stand down. Nicola Sturgeon says it is divisive, which she seems to say about most things, but like a stuck clock she is right every so often. Such as parliament, which is divisive, bearing in mind there is the government and there is Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition (and the Scots Nats who are neither).

As the useful idiots of Brussels and their hopeless Project Fear have been well and truly kicked into the long grass, it seems a little cruel of Mrs May to go into the long grass and kick them a little further. Maybe they will even reach the sunny uplands of their EUtopia, where unemployment is low to non existent (well, in Germany anyway), where economic woes have been dispelled and a trade surplus blossoms (er, if you're Germany) and your fellow citizens embrace as brothers, sharing the same laws, taxes, wealth and the holy benefits of the ECJ and Human Rights. All of which isn't true anywhere in Europe.

As long as Habeus Corpus doesn't matter to you, democracy doesn't matter, or the principle that the state owns you and tells you what to do and what to think is completely OK with you, then the EU is the place to be. A great idea.

If however, you believe in the Common Law, owned by the people and exercised on their behalf by an elected government, then Theresa May is the person to lead the country and deserves your vote. A further chance to tell the Marxist Left that we are fed up with their political correctness and being pushed about by the over mighty petty bureaucrats, so beloved of institutions like the EU.

Fed up with the Elite's sense of entitlement, the lies about tax cuts, green taxes and subsidies, the global warming scam, the end goal of the EU project, the whole lot.

Monday, 27 March 2017

Another Killer Muslim

Sorry, a deliberate headline to infuriate. Did you leap to conclusions, based on your own prejudice? Adrian Elms converted to Islam and as a result of the Muslims he came in contact with (who sought to influence him), drew him to kill innocent people indiscriminately.

He wasn't involved in international terrorism as a senior police officer jumped to judge. He was a Muslim when he decided to murder. But, that doesn't mean Islam is our enemy. It is a religion that has held back many countries around the world, being a faith of political control. Particularly here in the UK, Muslims can join a tolerant society and blend with people of all faiths and backgrounds. Where they choose not to, they allow evil people to use the cover of their religion to harm them and us.

Integration works exceptionally well, placing responsibilities on both sides and requiring an acknowledgement that British values must be shared. Ken Livingstone, despite being keen on creating division to further his political ends, said that Muslim Londoners will be horrified by what happened in Westminster. In correctly so doing, he accidentally agreed that integration was crucial.

Let us not be blinded by a tunnel vision towards communities refusing to integrate and speak English etc, to the failings of people paid to look after us. The Left-liberal weaklings, useful idiots to Marxists trying to undermine Western democracy, have for far too long held sway, fearing to act in a balanced and unbiased way, paving the way to extremist violence.

Tony Blair surrendered to the IRA, so why shouldn't political activists, who also happen to be Muslims, use violence to find another weakling to surrender to them? That they have such limited support that the best they can do is get loners and misfits to do their murderous bidding, is all the proof we need that we are not fighting Islam, but murderers who happen to be Muslims.

What success they have had here to date is massively due to the insidious creep of the Left, destroying our society and capitalism in particular. The weak, lying, scared senior policemen. Politicians who keep saying the 'extreme Right' are a significant threat and that their assertion that Muslims are the enemy is unacceptable. Except there is no real 'extreme Right-wing violence'. No-one who has considered what is happening conflates a killer who is a Muslim, into all Muslims being killers.

Yet this accusation is often repeated by normal people gulled into parroting Marxist tosh, and further reinforces the pathetic policeman in refusing to prosecute crimes by 'minorities'. Instead, they need to be rooting out the people who whisper venom into the ears of the easily confused, turning them into murderers.

Find the base, the root cause and deal with it. But so far the 'authorities' remain in thrall to finding spooks everywhere but hiding within Muslim communities. Where the evil men hide.

Finally, whilst deploring the snowflake generation as they continue their virtue-signalling after atrocities, I do actually think the image of Muslim women standing hand-in-hand on Westminster bridge was quite useful. Pathetic that they should feel they have to do that, but powerful in saying 'Adrian Elms is not one of us'. Which of course, he wasn't.

Brexit, Brexit, Brexit

Question Time is on, that programme designed to answer nothing, but get some soundbites for the BBC's left-wing audience to shout about. Quite late in joining the first thing I see is the rambling comic Salmond, the ex-leader of the SNP who was replaced by someone who isn't so obviously mad. But is. Then there is Keir Starmer, fresh from running the CPS as a political branch of 'justice'. To be fair, he isn't the worst in the debate by a way.

Ooh! Nick Clegg is talking now. Apparently, he wants to stay in an organisation that pays his wife. and him probably, there is of course a massive propaganda fund in the EU.

But anyway, the stunt driven 'Remain' camp keep asking questions they know there is no answer to and then say, 'they haven't got an answer'. What is the EU proposing when we inform them we are leaving? We don't know, they haven't said (for good reason). So why, how could Theresa May have a fully formed plan?

Thankfully no-one asked the clearly deranged Heseltine his view. He is after all, a key player in keeping us in the German empire of the EU, which he turned on its head in his recent muttering. Just be satisfied you knifed your party leader in the back and go away.

But there it is, the Remain camp funded and shouted for by those who benefit from it or are directly paid by it. Why should we (and why do so many scaredy cats) listen to what a bunch of corrupt, anti-democratic, unelected technocrats say? How long should we go on supporting a bankrupt France and allow Germany to impoverish so much of the European continent, to maintain their own economy?

By leaving the EU is Britain really, once again saving Europe from French and German empire builders?

Clegg delivers the Remain bottom line; referendums until we vote to remain. Very EU of him.

Friday, 10 March 2017

Portion Police

Well, completely flying in the face of the nannying injunction on the wrapper and risking the introduction of a new fining bureaucracy, I ate all 120 grams of a Nestle Crunch bar (Dairy Crunch before 1992).

Fines are a wonderful thing aren't they? Initially, when justice referred to, well, justice a fine was imposed when a gaol term would too extreme. Invented to deal with crime in a proportionate way.

Today of course the law, as defined by low grade politicians and implemented (interpreted, don't ya know) by pompous Judges is speeding towards total disrepute. If you imprison people, politicians must provide the budget to provide the structure for incarceration.

But a fine, oh my a fine, well that just requires bureaucrats to catch you out (Portion Police) broaching some arbitrary and pointless rule and then the politicians actually raise money! Win, win!

Who cares about proportionate? You can only truly display power if you fly in the face of such constraints. It is almost important to be disproportionate.

If you want to get even more philosophical, I suppose you could consider that the previous belief in proportionality was because the people owned the law and it sought to serve the people. At least it lived as an entity in fear of the people.

Now of course, to fit in with our overlords in Brussels (please God, not much longer) that has had to be turned on its head. To suit the French desire for everyone to have the appalling system their elite have imposed on the people, we have to put state ahead of nation, government before people.

Everything is illegal unless the elite choose to allow it. And bizarrely, unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats absolutely love this system. Your watchword can be 'outrageous disregard'.

Saturday, 4 February 2017

All You Need To Know About Ken Clarke

Ken Clarke MP(!) is the sort of person you should not trust to hold your ice cream while you tie your shoelaces

Friday, 27 January 2017

Our Tickle 50

Little punning there, sorry, serious subject. Well, to people that understand it!

The people of this country, under a law of 2015 voted to request and require their democratically elected government to withdraw the United Kingdom from the European Union. It is amazing, after years of propaganda, threats of doom from all and sundry, apathy and the general fear that maybe we should cling to nurse for fear of something worse, that we voted to leave.

But we did. And Jeremy Corbyn thinks that is the reason his party should not think it knows better, rather carry out the will of the people. Article 50 of course is an article of an EU treaty. It is the formal way to inform them we are leaving. Some of his MP's think their view more important than the public's though.

But wanting to leave is only something that stupid people and fascists voted for, according to the liberals. Now these are interesting people, because they call themselves liberals, which suggests freedom and tolerance (as it is intended to).

The manifestation though is that they are deeply and often violently intolerant of people having different ideas from them. So, a narrow, dictatorial society is what they are after, as long as the power rests with them.

This is OK though, because they are cleverer than you (clearly, you voted to leave the EU) and are lovely people who would never do you any harm (unless you disagreed with them).

I was trying to think if any country has ever been run on these principles and how it went. Nearest I can come up with is Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia, oh and the very similarly structured EU.

Tuesday, 24 January 2017

Judges Cogitation Over

It was a nice delay wasn't it? The judges 'deciding' on the powers of government. I mean, you know they really thought about it. In a democracy, should the people be allowed a say? Once given a mandate, should a government be allowed to carry it out if they haven't checked with 8 judges first?

Well, no apparently. The delay though was a con. How long do you suppose a group of judges, who are mainly either in the pay of or associated with organisations reliant on the EU, would take to decide that they should interfere in the political process of leaving the EU?

Add to that the fact that judges have for quite a while now felt that they are the pinnacle of decision making in the UK, not parliament. So they could have said 'no' within seconds, but you know, propriety and image requires a delay. Let the idiots think you are serious people.

They should be completely ignored and the government continue with their legal obligation, under an Act of Parliament to withdraw the UK from the EU. Parliament can have all kinds of input in the workings of the process, but informing the EU formally of our intention, Article 50, needs to be triggered immediately. It is only fair on the 27 other member states.

Monday, 9 January 2017

I Don't Do Groupspeak, So I Need Help

Having never quite grasped why Marxism is the only way to save humanity, which I only base on experience - Cuba, Venezuela, Russia, Cambodia, China, I need some modern stuff explained to me. For instance, Brexit.

Now to me, it seems straightforward. Having succumbed to lies and propaganda way back in the Seventies, we saddled ourselves with a Marxist bureaucracy. Luckily we dodged its worst bits and now have (mostly) awoken to it and elected to leave.

In order to do this, we need to give this club, this institution due notice and that is with something called 'Article 50'. This EU rule says that a member state wishing to leave must invoke Article 50, which gives the EU 2 years to try to talk them out of it. Basically, an opportunity to renegotiate the rules. Or not.

But we have a lot of very disingenuous people asking where is Theresa May's Brexit strategy? What will be her negotiating tactic? Surely (point out where I'm wrong please) her tactic will be to invoke Article 50 "we're offski". And then when the EU negotiates with such things as 'what if we offer to change the shade of blue on the flag?' or 'what about a special handshake?' , you know the usual substantive stuff they come up with, Theresa can say 'No'.

Sounds like a complete strategy to me. I mean, Britain has told its politicians to leave the EU, not just say we are going to and then stay in because they said we could have a cake named after us. What piece of paper could Mrs May come back from Germany waving that would say we should accept a Marxist future?

Not to labour the point, but in Mrs Mays shoes I would just pop over to Brussels, tell them Britain is quitting and leave saying 'let me know when the paperwork is done.'

Obviously, another thing is Global Warming, or Climate Change. Interesting isn't it, how liars change the name of things when people start to realise what they are saying is a crock. Nobody has said there has been no global warming, because there has, recently and repeatedly in the past.

The reason Global Warming morphed into Climate Change was to cover the embarrassment that the temperature hasn't risen since 1997. So, maybe the climate just changes, but it is still our fault, because of all the carbon. Except, they don't mean carbon. Carbon sounds dirty and carbon dioxide doesn't, so they manipulate the language.

But that isn't all it amounts to is it? These Marxists know that you are an imbecile, so it doesn't matter if there is no scientific rigour in what they say, you wouldn't understand anyway. But in fact there can be no scientific rigour in what they say, because then you would know it wasn't true.

Man's emissions are not lovely and we should be producing technology to reduce them, but carbon dioxide emitted by human activity is way too insignificant, on a global scale to affect the climate. They know this but, to use their own phrase 'look where the money is'. Try getting a grant to study why climate change isn't caused by Man, or get a book published by a big publishing house that shows the lie.

No all the money is in government hands and it only goes to the leeches who promulgate the lie. Know why you can't get your bins emptied or roads repaired? Because the councils spend way too much on green crap and other Leftie nonsense no sane person wants. Know why old people die of cold, unable to heat their homes? Because green greed has pushed up prices of energy for no purpose. Wind farms, solar panels? Near to useless and completely barmy if you looked at cost versus return.

Why do you think every 'Green' company squeals like a stuck pig if subsidies are reduced and then go bust. Wind farms only farm taxpayers cash.

National treasure, David Attenborough says that we should not apply the scientific method to Climate Change, it should be illegal to oppose it and no one should be allowed to debate it. Now why would that be? Why should you not even be allowed to talk about it let alone study it? Why should evidence based science be outlawed?

Well, because some have done it, we know for a fact that the ideology of Global Warming is just that, an ideology. It has no basis in fact. It is Attenborough's religion, nothing less. He believes in it as an article of faith.

WWF and all the other Marxist zealots driving the scam are using it to undermine and ultimately to destroy capitalism and with it Western civilisation. Apres la deluge they intend a World government, run by really clever, lovely people (them) and no hint of democracy or return on ambition and hard work.

At least that's what I think. You could point out where I'm wrong, but I guess that would be like providing evidence and I realise we are past all that stuff. So, can I have the change from the £50 I just gave you? What do you mean it was only a tenner? And don't ask for proof. See, I do get it.