Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Labour And The EU Referendum

At PMQ's, the bizarre, reality separated Miliband said that he didn't agree with a referendum on staying in or leaving the EU. Let us be very clear what he is saying. Though politicians lied to the people to get us into a politicians club of their liking and despite the clear evidence that the people have realised what an extraordinarily bad idea Britain being in the EU is, Miliband doesn't want you to have a say.

It is as bald as that. Labour know that the British people have had the scales fall from their eyes, they see the Emperor has no clothes, that the EU has a naked ambition to create a Soviet style country swallowing all Europe. They know all of this and, terrified, they do not want you to be able to vote on it.

They have very much enjoyed the cosy club where the EU is left out of General Election politics by all the major parties. But that is the past and Miliband can't see it. He just can't bear to see the opportunity to be part of a state controlled bureaucracy with sweeping, unchallengeable powers slipping away.

He must think he is letting his Marxist father down. He wants the same things that Stalin (and Hitler) wanted; a single Europe united under totalitarian control. You wanted 1984 Miliband, but it is 2013 and we still have a last fingernail grip on democracy here.

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