I cannot help thinking that it is not entirely coincidental that our politicians have become more and more useless and the country more corrupted. MP's have over recent years continually either increased their pay or sought too. They have resorted to fraud and deceit to obtain more money through expenses and tax fiddles.
At the same time executives of large companies are being hired with bonuses tied in, without any reference to performance, they get them whether they succeed or fail. And these same people, like the politicians decide they don't actually have to do anything by way of work and certainly are not responsible when things go wrong. Things do go wrong too, as these people invariably have no idea what is going on in their companies, so with no overwatch, those lower down seek what advantage they can.
Financial 'instruments' are devised to make commission now, with no care for impact later. Banks 'mis-sell' (it used to be called fraud, when we had some protection) and companies with effective monopolies, often gifted by the government are allowed to raise prices as they wish. Paying tax has become optional for those 'too big to annoy' the government (ie potential donors).
The politicians themselves show scant interest in what the people thought they elected them for and anyway, with parliament merely existing to rubber stamp EU laws, they don't really have a job at all. Where they can be seen working hard, is to get themselves onto or in control of, committees that have some bearing on their outside interests, which are often many.
This petty corruption goes on down the ranks of course and now the people live in perpetual fear of the armies of jobsworths in an unbelievable range of roles, seeking to harass you and impose their will. You cannot complain about an 'official' for fear of some backlash accusing you of many imaginary crimes, which they successfully prosecute.
Hospitals can't diagnose, cure or treat but frequently ignore, maim and kill. Or have your children stolen from you by all powerful 'social workers' hiding behind the secrecy given to them by children's courts. The children themselves ignored and bullied until at last they say what the 'authorities' want to hear when their words becomes of crashing importance, to lock up and hound their parents.
Truly, the old protections of a British citizen and the compact between those with power and those without, requiring responsibility and fairness has been destroyed. Nothing paints a more stark picture of the reduction in morality and ability of this country than the distinction between the Victorians and us.
Then they built sewers and underground railways, held Great Exhibitions and strove for better, inventing they way round problems. The rich felt a weight of duty on their shoulders and deeds of benevolence were common. Today there is an absence of care,NGO's clamour for charitable donations which they fritter on politics and administration. Our achievements include an inability to keep traffic moving on even the best of roads when it snows, to the extent of persuading ourselves that leaving hundreds trapped in their cars overnight, in freezing conditions is acceptable.
We spend much our effort agonising over the rights of homosexuals, who were perfectly well served in laws that don't make distinctions and have no need of marriages and other such arrangements. With degenerate politicians we were and are bound to slip beneath the waves and so it has proven. Much accelerated of course, by a Government that consisted almost entirely of advantage seekers and ne'er do wells, led by a man absent of morals.
Tony Blair brought forward the debasement of our society by many years, with his corrupting cabal, their greed and stupidity emboldening others of poor character to come out of the dark. He insisted that everyone should follow his example and at all times consider themselves first and put their comfort above others; the antithesis of Victorian mores.
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