Friday, 11 January 2013


The reporting about the activities of the late Jimmy Savile is astonishing. Bear in mind that the Left, then and now think that there is no such thing as paedophilia thinking that any one should be able to do whatever they want, as long as it causes 'no harm'. Still, the media, mainly left leaning of course, report shock at what the man got up to and over such a long time.

But they aren't shocked and don't care at all. The BBC, beyond belief reporting that 'hospitals allowed access, just based on his celebrity' to children, when they created and maintained his fame and quite clearly covered up what he was doing, not least on their premises. There is absolutely no way, whatsoever that the management did not know what was going on.

The BBC news never highlights their own involvement, merely mentioning it went on in some of their offices. Is it not strange that now he is dead and cannot say exactly what went on, a whole raft of authorities, police, CPS etc admit they could have done more, that they ignored evidence. That isn't really good enough though, as it is more likely they deliberately didn't act, due to the religion of celebrity.

We see today just how rabbit-in-the-headlights authority figures are regarding celebrities. When Tony Blair created the 'Me' generation where self regard must be the guiding spirit, those with the highest profile of course attracted their attention. Blair was constantly seeking their company. To prosecute one was unthinkable and particularly if it embarrassed the BBC  (and of course they didn't consider Savile's actions as  crimes).

Then, we have the Leveson enquiry endlessly seeking wronged celebrities to sympathise with (over a fairly straightforward crime) and desperate to do their bidding and gag the Press, as required by a Left keen to suppress criticism of itself. Hugh Grant may have decided to join a left wing political organisation to demand the banning of press freedom, but a civilised society would just laugh at him. When he matures and has grown up views, maybe he can join in.

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