Well for someone who hasn't made a very good job of being a Conservative, the EU speech by David Cameron was pretty good. He made his points clearly and well, the speech was coherent and didn't duck the questions that are being asked, except when he mentioned wanting the Common Market we signed up to not a financial one. Thus he avoided mentioning that it is and always was intended to be a political union, a superstate.
Here lies the point at which paths diverge. Heath, the Quisling, lied openly to the British people to get us to agree to join the EU. It is a has been a 'thief in the night' secretly taking away Britain's sovereignty, taking huge sums of money to pay for their grandiose schemes and pushing for more and more control from the centre, with no hint of democracy.
Cameron touched on the lack of a European demos and he is right. The EU has no democratic structure. The MEP's may be 'elected' but have no real power whatsoever. The EU ignores its own laws whenever it suits in the same way any tyranny does, as any totalitarian regime does.
Cameron said we would never join the Euro, that power should rest with national governments, not the centre in Brussels, but that we should stay in the EU to be 'at the heart of Europe'.
How does that work then? When they are squabbling over the destruction to some countries whilst others do well within the idiot construct of the Euro, how would us non-members have a say? No if Cameron followed the logic of his own arguments we should leave the EU without delay. It would save us the membership fee of many billions immediately and allow him to 'repatriate' whatever powers he wants to.
Then he can, as a sovereign nation once again, conclude whatever treaties he wants with the EU. and for that matter with any country around the world, something we currently cannot do. He could even look to address our own failing democracy and seek to removing the stain Blair and Brown left on the country.
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