Thursday, 11 August 2011

Harriet 'Morlock' Harman

The comic book character (surely no one could really be that evil?), Harriet Harm wreaks destruction across all of her empire. She really seems to believe that rewarding bad behaviour helps to control it and only when we punish bad behaviour will we get riots. Or maybe it is because only by maintaining an uneducated, immobile, dependent mass can the sickness in her head be voted for.

Whilst this odious creature, a blight on all our lives with the taxes she demands to maintain her lifestyle and the underclass she promotes, needs votes to hold power she will continue to fund them. And doubtless she does see them as animals, creatures with whom she has no intention of interacting, just stroking them, feeding them but most importantly ensuring they stay caged. She does this through benefits and just as much by ensuring the education system is of no use to them.

Mostly, she encourages them to absent themselves, by ensuring there is no sanction for bad behaviour, but also by dumbing down the curriculum so they are unemployable even if they try. Application and ambition must not succeed under her rule, that might grow to threaten the 'Queen'. Social mobility under Labour ground to a halt for the very reason that it would threaten Labour's grip on power.

There doubtless will always be lost souls, who will prey on their fellows. It has ever been so and you must believe by her deeds when privileged, that The Harm would be one too. Is one now, but in a different more hidden manner. However, most of Labour's 'disadvantaged' are only disadvantaged because of New Labour. They have been quite deliberately denied opportunity for the political benefit of people such as The Harm.

They have never been shown the satisfaction of a job well done, the feeling of worth at being able to buy something with money earned, to be able to look at something and say with pride 'I did that'. Unfortunately, as anyone knows who cares for their children, this involves compulsion, at least in the early days. It involves commitment. Children will always seek the easy way out and by giving in, by setting no boundaries, by requiring nothing of them we ultimately destroy them. Society gets riots and looting. But just as the child still runs to mother for sweets, so Harman doles out the benefits to get the votes.

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