Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Retail Detail

Is it just me? I went to Pets At Home at the weekend. I appreciate that often there is a not a huge amount of competition regarding pet supplies (well not if you need mixed corn and layers pellets as well as Bakers Complete), so a certain disregard can creep in to a retailer, but does it have to just be a warehouse? It isn't of course, its a standard retail estate unit of barn like proportions, but really it is a riot of brightly coloured (why?) toys and packaging of pet foods stacked high.

But most annoying of all (and it is an absolute rule with this shop) fully half of the people in the store will be queuing at the till. How do they manage that? And then as you put down a myriad of items they ask you 'did you find everything you wanted?' Now this either infers that you are pretty stupid in the shopping department, their store is spectacularly badly laid out so it is highly likely that you would struggle or they are giving you an opportunity to say 'well actually...' because you were too timid to ask otherwise, as you thought it might hurt their feelings.

But. But, if you wanted say a bell shaped parrot treat that you have seen before but couldn't find today and you say so at this entreaty, they usually just drone 'no, we haven't got any of those left'. Excellent, thank you for just giving me a glimmer of hope there, only to dash it by proving that the empty space on the shelf did actually mean that you hadn't got any, as I originally supposed.

They are usually sweet kids in the store and don't mean any harm and the stupid question clearly isn't their idea, so you can't maintain a rage about it all. Just a dread of going back.

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