With the level of organisation being seen in some aspects of these 'riots' it would seem that the lefts' 'useful idiots' have been given a different motivation. In every left inspired campaign, the 'revolutionaries' always lie to get support whether in Vietnam of Tottenham. Here however, a direct appeal to the underclass desire for branded consumer goods has brought them onto the streets to cause the mayhem their masters seek.
The proposed 'cuts' should be thought through again. A reasonable society would cut back on police spending along with everything else, but we have had 13 years of New Labour unpicking the fabric of a decent society and so cannot call ourselves a reasonable society at present. So no, the Armed Forces need strengthening and the police need their budgets at least maintained (but get rid of Blairism in the force and introduce efficiency).
Savings really can be made (and a lot of people have put themselves forward by looting) by reducing and deleting the benefits of those who do not and will not contribute to their community, let alone those who destroy it. Cameron should protect and enhance those organs of state that we need and serve us well and get rid of the rest. No more pussy footing around with Westminster bubble politics, face the real world. Get out of the EU. Stop building pointless wind farms and stop believing in the 'carbon reduction' tripe the same people who organised the rioting came up with.
I mean that. Whilst Richard Curtis may feel comfortable with murdering people who oppose his point of view, I am sure many people who haven't thought too much about Global Warming, do believe what they have been fed. But a lot of the real pushers are motivated by anything but the pains of the planet. They have used it to push an agenda of hate, designed to undermine Western capitalism and democracy. And they use the simple-minded as well as the easily led politician, hence we get looting and CO2 taxes.
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