I'm not sure if there was some aspect of 'best behaviour' about politicians on QT last night, but for as long as I could stand to watch it even Prescott wasn't being a dunderhead. Nope, we left that to the pretty little things in the audience. I heard several young, well dressed, white girls trot out the stuff most people grow out of such as 'that these people who are already disadvantaged will be made worse by taking away their benefits' and that 'it is funny how riots always happen under the Tories'. (Possibly, and so does austerity. It is called 'cleaning up the mess Labour leave')
I remember the lovely girls at school, deeply concerned about world issues, save everyone, stop the killing and other adolescent chants. That is all they are of course, chants. These people have no idea what they are saying and don't really care, they have the moral high ground (in their opinion) and that makes their view unassailable.
Clearly, welfare dependency has created this problem, but instead of debate, we get political point scoring. It is the same in science now; theories that an entrenched group want to believe cannot be challenged. It is against some new moral law they have thought up. A paper today carried a headline about left and right blaming each other for the riots, for instance. But without anyone noticing, Jo Frost (aka Supernanny) regularly shows on our television sets that children given consistent, strong discipline, clear rules and boundaries become much better behaved and much nicer people. Heck, even the children are happier with their new life.
But, Oh My Divine Being who doesn't exist as every leftie knows, this cannot be translated to the looters. They need understanding, more money, help, a channel for their anger. They must be allowed to find their own way, have their own identity, any piffle as long as we don't address the issue of their amoral behaviour (oops, judgemental) and criminality.
My biggest annoyance with all this though is the reaction to what happened on our streets. It is an outrage, but it is just an explosion; we have ignored the slow burn. These feral animals cause fear and wretched lives on the estates they live on, on a daily basis, but we don't care do we? There are doubtless many decent people who live on these estates, who lead blameless lives but are blighted by these thugs. They live in fear, surrounded by strutting arrogant beasts who make existing a miserable experience for many others.
We hear about clamp downs on 'anti-social' behaviour every so often, but the politicians and the senior police have no idea what it actually amounts to and they certainly don't do anything meaningful about it. The police are fully aware though of the nature and scale of the gang culture and how it has thrived on the estates they run. Because the police have pulled out. The gangs run these areas because the police let them and they do so for one reason and one reason only, cowardice.
To be fair, the police have had no political back up, with Labour politicians ready to hang them out to dry if they attempt to infringe on the 'rights' of the gangs. But in matters of criminality they can act, but by being social workers first and backing away they allowed the culture to grow, now they are scared to face the monster they permitted free rein. So let us take the 'small complaints' seriously, let's evict those who make others' lives a misery, take away their benefits.
It is a deep and infected wound, but there is no argument between left and right. It is now clear and proven that the policies and practices of the bleeding heart left liberals have unleashed a feral mob on us and it is time to deal with it. We do what Jo Frost says and we act to stop this malaise and, amazingly give some life and hope to these deserted youngsters, set adrift by Labour and its misguided, dangerous ideas. Power to the people, not the criminals. Even if this does upset Labour and some stuck-in-adolescence air-head girlies.
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