Well confirm the stereotype and go to the foot of our bed! Last night I caught a bit of the Sky News review of the papers, which featured a ghastly, patronising, rude and persistently sniping man from the Guardian. He absolutely oozed 'I'm right on everything you know' and belittled any opinion he disagreed with. The woman from the Telegraph was treated as if she and her words were of no consequence and, well, you couldn't expect anything more could you, the poor deluded love.
The delightful moment was when, despite him imploring the presenter not to, she mentioned, with the price of gold soaring, Gordon Brown's decision to sell vast amounts of the stuff, cheaply. Having to issue some kind of put down he said (unbelievably) that 'well he didn't just sell it, he invested in something else I believe'. Where to start with that defensive claptrap? Firstly, Brown drove down the price of gold by announcing his sale, thus achieving the lowest price possible. Secondly, despite Guardian man claiming people running to gold in a crisis was bizarre, the value has gone up greatly, during our current difficulties and so Brown threw away wealth. And investment is exactly what the gold represented, as it has gone up in value at a time of instability, but what did Brown 'invest' in? He bought paper money, mainly Euro's. He claimed that it was safer than gold, a tangible and reliable product. He presumably doesn't remember the barrow loads of German Marks it took to buy a loaf of bread. What scale of fool believes that paper has an intrinsic and lasting value?
The same ones I guess who are persisting with their political power game known as the EU. This Franco German construct to avoid war by achieving what they otherwise would have to fight for again, by political means, is currently destroying Europe just as completely (though without actually killing people). The EU doesn't work at any level and yet the politicians for whom it is their life and who never step outside this bubble will not concede as much. So the financial crisis they have created will continue.
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