Thursday, 11 April 2013

An Expert

Here is an expert for you. An expert who is involved in organisations that produce reports about rising sea levels and droughts and disasters, caused by Climate Change. Yes, I picked this one because it is an excellent (though not outstanding, there are others like it) example of what I don't think many people realise. Do what climate activists don't want you to do by all means, investigate, do your own research. But this is priceless I feel.

The following is about someone who is a member of the US National Climate Assessment panel. Of interest is the sheer number of associated bodies (and there are countless numbers of them, all sucking up taxpayers money), the things she evidently has impact on and that clearly the financial institutions, ever quick to spot opportunities to profit by misleading, are fully on board for reasons of self interest.

Finally, having all this say, we see on what grounding, what basis she holds these positions and has this input. Then ask yourself, if your CV was such a mismatch would you get the job? Ah, Mr Smith I see you are a carpenter, well as we need someone to teach biochemistry, I think you should fit in well.

Lindene Patton is Chief Climate Product Officer for Zurich Financial Services (Zurich). She is responsible for product development and risk management related to climate change.She is a project Board Member for the World Economic Forum Low Carbon Finance Initiative and the Forest Carbon Finance Initiative. She is an advisory board member for the University of California at Santa Barbara's Bren School of Environmental Science and Management. She is a member of the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) for Sustainable Governments Adaptation Experts Advisory Committee.

Ms. Patton serves as the Vice-Chair of the Climate Change and Tort Liability Sub-Committee of the Geneva Association. Ms. Patton also serves on numerous government and non-governmental advisory boards, including the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Environmental Financial Advisory Board, the Bureau of National Affairs' monthly publication, the Environmental Due Diligence Guide, and the US EPA Environmental Technology Verification Program.

Ms. Patton is an attorney licensed in California and the District of Columbia and an American Board of Industrial Hygiene Certified Industrial Hygienist. She holds a Bachelor of Science in biochemistry from the University of California, Davis, a Master of Public Health from the University of California, Berkeley, and a Juris Doctor from Santa Clara University School of Law.

So we learn that Ms. Patton is working on climate related 'products' for Zurich Financial Services and serving on several US Federal panels to advise on climate issues. She studies risks and opportunities for her employer, in relation to the activities of government as it is effected by 'climate change'. An area in which she has input and at the very least being inside the loop, as it were, in government circles is well placed to 'help' her employer make 'rational' decisions.

And all this is based on her being an attorney with a qualification in Industrial Hygiene. So, if you aren't convinced we are all gonna die, it is not for the want of trying by a very large number of people with backgrounds unrelated to their jobs. I'm sure Ms. Patton is good at her job, which doesn't make Global Warming any more real, but does mean if your company is stupid enough to go along with the scam (and the government will be pushing you to), then the likes of Zurich Financial Services will have a product for you.

*Please note, I do not wish to infer that ZFS have a monopoly in this respect

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