With the death of Thatcher we are being treated to two types from the Left, the useful idiots repeating tosh they have been fed about the nasty Tories and the clever ones rewriting history. Ken Livingstone said that Thatcher was responsible for the banking crisis and wrecked the mining industry. Quite spectacular inversion of the truth. In fact the Left using Bill Clinton, a politician every bit as dim as Tony Blair, brought about the banking crisis by insisting mortgages were given to people who couldn't afford them.
In Britain, Brown ensured that his friends (and big taxpayers) in banking were not troubled by the regulator, which was in effect, switched off. It's like the Hacked Off campaign for state control (or better still for them to run it) of the Press. What is being said up front is not what they are actually up to. They want to be able to use the media to spout Leftist propaganda and delete any criticism or investigation. (Look at how they are squealing having been caught lying themselves).
The Left claim that the Seventies and Eighties were disastrous because of Thatcher's policies. But the reason the Cortina Man supported her was because he prospered under her. (Benefits claimants didn't and it is they who are complaining now). But it was clearly the Unions who destroyed the country. The mining industry was wrecked by the strikes Scargill called and then dumped the loss of their industry in Thatcher's lap. In Suffolk, the Port of Felixstowe stayed resolutely at work and threatened at one point to throw a Union official into the river when he insisted they strike.
The Port went from strength to strength and it wasn't due to Left wing politics, it was due to hard work. That is what the Left don't want. For them, it is important that the Right doesn't succeed or that they can hide it through lies, because it means their assertion that only Left wing policies work, only the Left can help the poor and disadvantaged can be pushed. What they actually do of course, is create more poverty and disadvantage. If ever you feel that you would really like to destroy your country then vote Labour of Lib Dem, support the Socialist Workers Party. When you feel that other people owe you a living, you are Left wing.
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