Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Nothing New Under The Sun

In times less prone to sensational squealing by supposed 'scientists' we get this, measured, responsible view;

'In a report published in January (1966 US National Academy of Sciences, quote from the Britannica book of the Year 1967), the committee stated that while apparently reliable measurements of the carbon dioxide content of the atmosphere showed an increase of the order of 10% during the preceding 50 or 60 years, the effect of this was considerably modified as a result of the absorption of carbon dioxide by the oceans. Thus, contrary to earlier theories which had held that a relatively small increase in CO2 content would modify the earth's heat balance considerably and seriously raise the temperature of the troposphere, the 1965-6 investigators found the effect on the earth's temperature would be quite small.'

Also on the same page is a table of 'Weather Headlines' including for England -

Parts of England    April 1-2     Late season snowfall 12in; 5ft drifts     Blizzard winds in some localities; unexpected traffic hazards led to many accidents.

But Global Warming due to Man's output of CO2 is real, present and an impending disaster. Apparently. Only now it is from articles written by Green activists for the WWF rather than scientists reports of actual investigations.

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