Thursday, 18 April 2013

La , La, Not Listening

Over on EU Referendum, Christopher Booker is pointing out that Mrs. Thatcher was never above admitting and rectifying her mistakes, hence her change of view on man made global warming. Her modified view was as a result of finding out about the issue rather than asking a biased advisor, as had been her previous choice.

He also points out that one of the ridiculous Tories of her latter time in office, William Waldegrave has recently commented about how global warming is man made because some scientists loudly shout that it is. They don't have any specialism in the subject, Booker points out merely the 'prestige' of holding lofty positions in the Royal Society.

Of course, the Royal Society has changed its stance too. It was once a bastion of scientific enquiry and is now a Left wing political lobby group. Booker suggests that Waldegrave would do well to emulate Margaret Thatcher and read up on the subject a sort of 'get out more' for an intellectual.

But that is the crux of the problem. The believers in the cult of Warmism are not looking for debate, they do not want to study the science, they just want more to believe as they do; they are missionaries. We on the so called sceptical side make the mistake, constantly of thinking that we should prove our case, that we must show our 'workings out'.

This is why we are sceptics, because we look to see, we are not big on blind obedience. Religion held back science before and a new one is trying to capture it wholesale. But it is a religion in support of the godless. The useful idiots like Sir Paul Nurse are being manipulated by the people behind the scam, the Left, anti-capitalist ideologues.

So, when you see the trolls getting super excited at the latest bit of climate change that they cannot explain, another activist is caught lying, or plausible explanations contrary to their beliefs crop up, don't be surprised. In their minds they are Dirty Harry with no bullets, but they will still bluff with the 'do you feel lucky?' line.

Sir Paul Nurse should use his eminence to spout off on something closer to his heart and tell the believers that Man never set foot on the moon. It wouldn't be true, but then nor is man made global warming, but at least he might be expected to know as opposed to a science he isn't involved in. And whilst you might say, so what a scientific mind, an intelligent man doesn't need to be a climate scientist to understand, I would agree.

I would agree all the way and then ask, so why does a 'scientific mind', an intelligent man of status say that there should be no further investigation, that the science is settled? If he doesn't hold to scientific first principles, why should I trust what he says?

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