I know I'm banging on a bit about the Left at the moment, but it has become uppermost in my mind that we are in significant danger financially and as a society from communism. There is a panoply of lies surrounding every aspect of our lives, created by the Left and making proper political debate impossible.
There is undoubtedly a socialist angle that awaits discovery by brave souls. Areas of human existence that could be bettered by some clear thinking and definition. We need to accept that the human condition will always seek advantage, wants to strive for better. Even the current icon of evil, Mick Philpott worked at getting as much out of the system as he could, though by underhand means and by harming others.
More constructively, people can gain the very best education they are capable of and use it to get the best job and a career. So politicians should always have this in mind when considering how best to facilitate a society that fosters achievement but does no harm along the way.
All of this, conservatism, socialism and individual desires to do better are anathema to the Marxist. For them, control is the only goal. Marxism may mention the poor lot of the proletariat but only as the mechanism by which a revolution, a violent revolution can be achieved. You get the overwhelming impression that the real interest was to attack a certain group of people, a class they would insist on calling them, to destroy them. A kind of personal hatred by the author, Marx.
Has a movement really been formed based solely on the pathological ranting of a mentally disturbed man? Almost in the mould of that other authoritarian Leftie, Adolf Hitler. (You may have been instructed that he is far Right but what does that mean? In what way was Hitler at the other end of a scale from Stalin? They were almost identical).
The answer is yes, because it serves the motives of a group of people who seek violence as a leisure interest and the overthrow of an existing society merely to make themselves important. So much of what they do is secretive and also in no way constructive. They do not offer solutions just anarchy. They do not suggest an alternative society, just vague mentions of a society run from the centre. And they would be the centre of course.
There is no debate in this country among our politicians due to their being corralled by communist ideology, using such devices as Political Correctness and the indoctrination of teachers and thence the children. Why does a story exist that Thatcher was uniquely bad in British politics, when 'the sick man of Europe', Britain was turned around by her? Why does the story of her wrecking the coal industry and stealing milk from children paint her as a monster, yet she closed fewer pits the Labour's Harold Wilson, a Premier who also stopped school milk for secondary children?
It is because the Left incessantly create and retell lies and have access to do so. Which is why, morons like the 'drama teacher' don't understand history, just repeat an invention that turns her into a harpy, filled with hatred. Who knows, without the indoctrination she may be a very nice person. But as it is, pathetic drama is definitely her remit.
Of course, my fear and why I keep on about it, is that the Marxists are aiming for violent confrontation. The poll tax riots were organised for violence sake, a government policy just gave it a cover to hide behind. Violence at G8 summits is conducted by people who would love a world government, but rail against global corporates. What they hate is not the global bit, but that even though 'fat cats' do exist and are very wealthy, along the way they spread that wealth, creating jobs.
It may be unintentional, they may be no more altruistic than a Marxist, but happen it does. As we have seen with Gordon Brown, big government, state control and little choice ends up with a broken society and bankrupt treasury. Yet that is what the Marxists, be they the people behind Hacked Off, who want only their version of a story told, the EU or the mad mullahs like Galloway, want.
So, we need to recover our education system, which Gove is currently doing well with, challenge Marxism everywhere it raises its head and bring it firmly into public focus. Ed Miliband is not a socialist, planning the best for the people of Britain, he is a communist as was his father. So forget Labour or their other branch, the Lib Dems (and other nilhistic nutcases like the BNP and EDL) and refuse to accept an invented history designed to promote division and undermine proper governance, freedom and justice.
Reject the Left's attempts to promote racism with the 'black' organisations and multiculturalism. The Commission for Racial Equality is a cover for ensuring you don't think of people of a different colour as just other people, rather than any attempt at equality. You achieve that by not noticing colour, not by intentionally highlighting differences.
It is a vast and complex area, but centres around communist lies, so that is what our real politicians should confront, openly and noisily. Don't forget, the model of Far Right and Far Left is a misnomer too. Both are extremes all right, but two sides of the same, authoritarian coin. Only the conservative, middle of the road approach works for the people, not the elites. So don't let them tell you their lies, their 'narrative' but think for yourself, observe and debate. You won't be right on everything, but Marxists will be wrong all the time.
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