Watching the funeral of Baroness Thatcher yesterday one thing was blindingly obvious; the Left just isn't right. Despite the best efforts of the BBC and Adam Boulton who wondered if anyone at all would turn up, the streets were crowded. And the multitudes who wanted to boo at a funeral were not present in the massive numbers they predicted.
They still sought them out to give airtime to their views though. Thatcher was 'divisive' after all. So we heard she 'destroyed the country' and much else from people who will have gained this insight no doubt, from the Left indoctrinated teachers at their schools and colleges.
Whether you agreed with her politics or not, there is no basis to say she destroyed the country, there simply is no evidence to support it. The previous Labour administration had had a good go mind, but even then it was only partly their policies and mainly the Unions, driven by communist leaders. Yes there was bad management in British Leyland, but that was because it was a nationalised industry as much as anything and the real damage was done by the strikes and the shoddy workmanship.
Do we still build cars in Britain? Yes. And are they rubbish and the factories frequently closed by strikes/ No. Are they state owned? No. Surely even a drama teacher can reach the correct conclusion? She destroyed mining communities by closing the pits, they squeal. But so did Wilson, would they like to comment? No? So just a communist inspired objection not a real one then.
She tried to help regenerate the areas but what did far too many of the miners do? Wallow in self pity and prove their stupidity by requiring someone else to look after them, like they were children. This recourse to childish behaviour of course, the adoption of victim-hood was much praised and encouraged by Scargill, who cared not a jot for one of them. His was a political crusade, the miners merely his weapon.
The miners followed and supported the wrong man, even if it seemed a good idea at the beginning. It happens. Germany did it with the Nazis of course, though they do less whinging that it was someone else's fault that things went badly as a result. They then pulled themselves up by their bootstraps, accepted help where offered and didn't just wail and burn effigies of Churchill and Roosevelt, as if it was actually all their fault.
'Divisive' by the way means 'intending to make people angry with each other' which is not what Thatcher did by any stretch of the imagination, but is very possibly the aim of the BBC and Adam Boulton, who have agendas, of course.
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