Monday, 15 April 2013

Leftist Influence

The biggest threat to freedom, Western democracy and the continued success that capitalism brings, is the pernicious propaganda of the Left. Knowing they cannot win any debate they have decided to use the general apathy of the public to insinuate Left ideas into their heads, by repeated exposure and flat lies.

A key aspect of course has been education, where teachers can be relied upon to spout any nonsense, even where the children can see through it, to support the Left indoctrination they received whilst training. The media, long the home of insubstantial and grossly over paid types, has always been a hot bed of idiot ideology. The luvvies love to love. They live in a cloud cuckoo land only slightly adrift of the Miss World contestants who constantly held fervent hopes for world peace.

They of course are key to the daily dissemination of ideology. A BBC sofa girl hounding a government official asking what should a family cut back on, heating, food or school trips; the communist angle. She seems to imply that any money the claimant requires should be made available, so is completely without any kind of thought process to back it up. But I bet she loved sounding tough and it was only a Conservative anyway.

A reporter in a new shopping centre in Leeds (where obviously there is no money because Thatcher destroyed and impoverished the North) has opened and the discussion was about struggling retailers, not least due to the bad weather. The reporter casually drops in that weather is now 'more variable', part of the climate change cant.

It is in these small yet persistent and indeed insistent ways that the Left brings a population to believe some amazing things. Almost everything that is said about Margaret Thatcher for instance is wrong, often a deliberately constructed lie. And yet many people believe the lies and many others think there must be some substance to them. Once again the Left pulls its favourite stunt, they lie and the normal people have to try to re-establish the truth.

Underlying all of this and coming ever closer by the day, is the desire by very dangerous people to destroy the way of life you enjoy. The Left don't have an overwhelming desire to bring immigrants to Britain, but if it destabilises society they will support unchecked immigration. Homosexual issues are not a fundamental Right (or wrong), but they can be used to destroy the family as a social norm and a social unit. They need to do this because families are the bedrock of a functioning society.

The education system is being debased because an intelligent 'working class' would be aspirant, would know it can achieve better, which undermines communism. And we need to be clear, we are talking about communism, not socialism. The Labour party is no longer socialist, for they do not seek to help the poor and disadvantaged, they seek to maintain those groups to consolidate their power and to always have someone to do the menial tasks that the elite still need doing, to maintain their wealth and lifestyle. Communism is for the masses, not them.

The reason Hacked Off have pushed themselves into the decisions on how the Press operate is because they claim it is overwhelmingly Right wing and lacks a social conscience. The truth of course is that it is overwhelmingly Left wing (which is why so much of it is so bad) and the social conscience will be provided by a Left wing state who will tell you what to do.

Are the communists really up to no good? It is apparent in everything around us, when you look. But also it is in the way they operate. The Left are secretive, because they must be; generally the public don't like them. What communist state was ever voted in? Even the EU, their greatest and largest scale project wouldn't try to rely on democracy!

But the Left is also a Hydra, so that, should one head be cut off, all the others carry on. Go on, start looking into bodies, organisations, charities, think tanks and Quango's. See how many there are, related to climate change, renewable energy, Press regulation and any other area where taxpayers money can be soaked up to pay for more Left oriented propaganda.

This is where we must stand and fight, where the next great battle must take place. Who will be the next Thatcher, to slay this dragon? Someone a million miles from the dilettantish  uncomprehending, small thinker - Cameron. A real champion of the people, to not only oppose the Left, to tell things as they really are, but to also wield the sword and put it right..

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