Friday, 28 October 2011

A Bit Obvious, Dave

Is David Cameron just a less accomplished Blair, or are we a bit wiser after having such a duplicitous character in No10? Dave, Davey-Boy, the Big D, says that the British people don't need a say on Europe, there is nothing to worry about. Then starts screaming about the poor bankers and the EU upsetting them.

We know how Blair got rich and we know how cosy Brown was with banks (only helpful people get to open the new Lehman building, even if it didn't last long!), but now we seem to be being told that Cameron is on the same train. We could have got you out of this pickle Dave. All you had to do was give us the referendum and then (as it would have been a resounding 'out' vote) you could go to Brussels with some real ammo.

You see, unlike the stories you and your ilk tell us Dave, you can't have some EU, you either do what you are told or you leave. And you don't want to leave, do you Dave? Why not? What is in it for you, because there really isn't anything in it for us?

Dave, get your head out of the bubble for a second. It was St Crispin's day last Tuesday, making this an excellent time of year to stick two fingers up to the French (and Germans). And yes I know it is not supposed to be true, but then nor is 'seal up the walls with our English dead'. The power is in the image.

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