Monday, 17 October 2011

Money, Money, Money

Well, the stupidity goes on. The Eurozone crisis continues to drag the whole world into its designed drama but no one thinks of doing anything positive about it. We hear of enormous sums of money being proposed as 'bailouts'. Greece may be technically bankrupt (as opposed to actually bankrupt, which it is) and Spain and Italy need extra funding. Why? Because the Euro is crippling their economies and the French and Germans will not cancel the Euro project as it may fatally wound the whole EU project.

The empire builders are not ready to do that and probably never will be. War would be better than admitting to a bad idea (and losing a carefully constructed empire). Ironically, the Chinese are playing the Franco/German game now. They are offering to buy up European infrastructure and provide funds to keep the Eurozone going. That's nice of them, isn't it?

Of course the Chinese have a history of dealing with the EU, so are acutely aware how stupid they are (the Chinese underwrote the GPS system the EU is trying to threaten US with). The Chinese see two reasons for providing this support. Firstly, they will gain control of key segments of European infrastructure which they can milk or wreck as they see fit (much as UK infrastructure is mainly in foreign hands who then put bills up massively) and secondly, if they keep the Euro going, it will do the maximum damage possible to the whole Western economy.

These new wars are not killing so many people (yet) but they certainly are devastating in their way. Will some politicians wake up, or is this cycle now entrenched and we wait to see where the real fighting starts?

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