Tuesday, 25 October 2011

The Madness Goes On

I wonder if, during the Great Depression politics was subsumed by a sideshow? Did the statesmen of the time try to resolve the financial crisis (doubtless all seeking advantage) or did they, as now try to support some ridiculous political idea on the side, that is designed only for an elite (as empires generally are)?

 Cameron is supposedly fine about his MP's voting against his edict (why issue one then?) and says he understands. I'm sure he understands a number of things in politics, but good government isn't one of them. He truly is just creating another branch of the Labour Party. This country needs to avoid the EU like the plague, as it is, literally, a plague on all our houses. Cameron claims not to see this. He feels the EU is a great institution, though needs some reform.

He says he is going to demand that reform. Firstly, he is a small part of the EU and can demand until he is blue in the face, but they will do precisely what they want to do. Secondly, he isn't even being sincere. Why did he agree to the last Treaty obligations if he wanted to exert some muscle? Why not make your case from the moment you took office? Because he is as much a lap dog of Brussels as was the definition of self serving cowardice, Tony Blair, before him.

Consider what Cameron says and then does. He said he was in favour of a referendum on the EU now he is fervently against it. He said he wants smaller government and a bigger society, but by continuing to agree to (illegally!) transferring sovereignty to Brussels he is playing his part in making the biggest of big governments. His only consistency is in supporting the undemocratic EU, as this accords with denying the people of this country a democratic vote on its future.

Why is a political empire across Europe a good thing? Particularly one that allows no democracy (your MEP's do not make the law in the EU, they just sign it off on instruction). The Euro clearly doesn't work but they are doing anything but using common sense to resolve the crisis. Why would a system of law that negates Magna Carta, the Bill of Rights and Common Law, replacing it all with the Code Napoleon that makes the state the entity and the people its vassals, be a good idea? Why, to consider a small, but important detail, do their police have immunity from prosecution?

The EU is the most corrupt form of banditry the World has ever seen, so perhaps we should not be surprised that senior politicians in a (just about) democratic country, prevail on their colleagues to put self before the Country and its people. The wealth of Blair awaits those who play by the rules.

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