There is a naive belief in many people that, as you can prove things right or wrong that anyone postulating something must be honest, because otherwise they would be found out. There are several problems with this though. Firstly, as with any propaganda if you repeat it often enough people come to believe it. Secondly, it has become too prevalent lately that people accept the utterances of 'experts', mainly it seems as it releases those people from having to consider the matter themselves.
Lastly though is the more pernicious reason and the most dangerous. Because the Left don't accept proof and truth. For them, like political correctness it is wrong to judge anything that the Left believes. Marcuse, possibly deified by now by the Left, said that fiction was truth and that reality and truth were not, er real.
So, reconsider all you have heard about, for instance Global Warming. When was the last time you heard a debate about it? OK, how about if you have ever heard a debate about it. Exactly. The subject has been censored by the Left. It cannot be debated because it is a Left ideology and therefore above discourse. That is why the Royal Society say it is a pure truth that should not be investigated (which of course, is pretty unscientific).
It is why you find yourself saying, when someone tells you a joke that despite making you laugh you feel may be at someone else's expense, 'you can't say that!' Political Correctness is just a Left tool to stop debate, to claim that they are always right about everything.
In the last Question Time, sections of the audience booed anything related to Tory changes to the NHS and cheered any mention of working for the NHS, that it was a brilliant system and in fact any mention of public service at all. These people were not interested in the outcome for the health of people in the NHS, nor reality, they just supported an ideological position. This was the day, after all when news of yet more scandal, involving neglect to the point of killing in NHS hospitals was released.
Of course the 'discussion' wittered on for a while, about 'reform' but no one seemed to connect the fact that nurses were not feeding patients, not ensuring they could and did drink, not helping them with toilets or keeping them clean. All this is regularly reported and yet nurses are uniformly painted as angels. Why, when spending was increased so massively, did it translate into much worse service? Why have doctors seemingly forgotten their most basic skills, with children sent home when they have meningitis or broken bones. Why has nursing sunk so low?
Hospitals are now even more of a death sentence than they used to be, but can you imagine how hard it must be for those who do their job properly? Surrounded by degree educated, high minded colleagues who care nothing for patients, but are acutely aware of their own self worth and that a chat amongst workmates is more important than some old woman's pain relief. These nurses need not fear rebuke, the NHS rarely acts against them. But interestingly, the same regulatory bodies act extremely swiftly to get rid of people who show up the patients suffering.
You are being lied to on a massive scale. Sometimes it is just some grubbing politician or lazy public sector 'executive' on the make, but often it is because of Left ideology. Their goals long ago were to undermine Western culture and its economic underpinnings, to destroy the family unit and promote homosexuality and other 'victims' and 'minorities' because these would also destabilise society. They are able to do this because their truth is different to your truth; there is no such thing as reality. Kick a rock, Leftie, kick a rock.
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