Strangely, as British Prime Ministers of late show a deep penchant for sending British troops to risk their lives, to bolster democracy (apparently) in foreign lands, they show little care for it at home. Mr. Cameron doesn't think he should honour an election pledge (that is, something used to get democratically elected) to have a referendum on the EU. The reason is clear for all to see; the British people, as usual way ahead of politicians, know we need to get out.
The vote will be overwhelmingly in favour of leaving the EU altogether. This is the sort of decision rational, sane people make. To stay in is a vested interest position, one that suits politicians and keeps gravy trains rolling. According to these demented souls, we are stupid enough to believe any rubbish they spout to support their beloved project. Hence, the suggestion that lots of jobs rely on the EU. Yes, politicians jobs. What country will not trade with Britain, because we leave the EU?
Heavens, even Mexico has special trading status with the EU. Did Canada have to become part of the US? Surely such a powerful trading bloc so close means economic and political union is essential for survival? No it isn't, plainly.
Cameron is finding the threat of democracy at home most tiresome; why can he not just do as he pleases? Do people not realise that it is the networks forged through entities such as the EU (and some more hidden ones), that provide the level of income stream such as Tony Blair is now enjoying, after they have been rumbled as complete failures as politicians? The EU doesn't rely on democracy, why should Britain?
The unfortunate campaign just launched to put the 'Great' back in Britain has a major obstacle in the form of David Cameron who, through his continued subservience to the EU means to further eradicate Britain as an entity, not enhance it!
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