Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Static Travellers

The Dale Farm eviction has kicked off. On TV we have seen a genuinely distressed protester, concerned that the police easily walked in through a fence at the back, totally unexpected. The protester is of course just that, a protester, not an owner of the land. Her annoyance was merely at being outsmarted, claiming as she did that the bailiffs should have come in first. Thy may well have done, but it was obvious that a breach of the peace was likely, due to outsiders being present, barricades built and people chained to heavy objects.

This twerp, was bleating about the authorities not following the rules, whilst insisting 'her side' didn't need to. In a way she was appealing to the camera (as these idiots do) as an info box at the bottom of the Sky News picture showed a poll result, with 92% thinking the 'Travellers' should be forcibly evicted.  Clearly they only have the support of society wreckers, not society.

With rent-a-mob (they call themselves political protesters, but I just go for accuracy) throwing rocks at the police, they also bleated that the police were being violent. A Marcusean 'lying is telling the truth' commentator in the studio was saying that the police were causing the trouble, causing a breach of the peace. I think, as I have said in other posts, people are beginning to understand what these people are up to and the scales are falling from their eyes.

Basically, all of these protesters act like self indulgent children, just like babies crying for more sweets. Their arguments have all the same lack of cohesion and resort to ludicrous lies to make some case that only works in their heads. The 'Travellers' naturally are no better. Chancers and exploiters of weakness, this time someone has stood up to them.

Examine their claims; they have nowhere to go, the eviction doesn't give them time to make other arrangements and it is all a conspiracy because they don't live a 'normal' life. Well, the process has taken ten years, which I think is sufficient time to make alternative plans. As for their difference from 'normal' people, it certainly isn't because they are Travellers, bearing in mind that they have bought a piece of land and illegally built on it a permanent settlement.

No, the only way that they are different is that they believe the law should apply to others but not them. And the protesters are not there for them. Oh some of them doubtless will be dreamers, but the hard core will be there merely to cause a nuisance and highlight Travellers as a minority that is 'suffering'. This is to cause a schism in our society and civilisation. They are political terrorists and should be jailed just as the rioters were. They should be shown that we are intolerant of them and that the police will support the law abiding and the greater part of our settled society.

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