There has been an enormous buzz about this somewhat forced debate today on whether a referendum on their future should be allowed for the people. Cameron got himself in this mess by clearly saying what suited him, at the time. The principled objection of quite a number of Conservative MP's throws his shallowness into sharp profile.
What amuses me though is the standard of the Left media reporting. As usual they are only interested in bashing the Tories, so for them the whole story is Tory disunity. Actually, the only issue here is whether the imploding EU is something we should be part of. It costs us an enormous amount of money and it offers us no benefit. By 'us' I mean the people of the United Kingdom, excepting senior politicians. They are very much inside the EU tent and have no intention of upsetting the gravy train.
This backward, inward looking cabal of anti-democratic tinpot despots are still desperately calling black, white to keep their sinking ship afloat. The Euro is destroying the EU, but just by denying it, the problem is solved apparently. and it is to be one of these people, that is David Cameron's fervent desire. We are threatened that if we left the EU, the countries remaining would not trade with us. When the lies have to be that blatant, you know they have nothing, no argument.
Let us be clear. Cameron is trying to deny that the British people want a say and that say is that they want to break away from the bunch of crooks calling themselves the EU elite. He shows exactly the same contempt for democracy that his masters in Brussels do. At this moment of political crisis across Europe, the real conversations going on are not those about Greek bailouts, they are the preparations to unite Europe as a single nation. This has always been the goal and they do not want to miss the opportunity that this crisis presents. Strangely, for once, the German people could save Europe, by having no part of this Soviet takeover.
That Cameron is so terrified of the people's vote is important, because neither he, Parliament, the Queen or the people can hand Britain to a foreign power. No one has that ability, but Ted Heath did exactly that. That is the real scandal, that these days politicians have come to act as if they are above the law. They have (and this is not unnecessarily dramatic, just true) committed treason, it is as simple as that. They have handed effective control of this country to a foreign power, Brussels and it was never in their gift to do so. It is a war that Germany and France have been fighting since the Second World War and their empire is crashingly close. But financial crisis is making their duplicity plain. There may be much violence unless these extremists are defied whilst some democracy remains.
The principled objection by some Tories is to their credit, there were scant few Labour MP's with principles (as ever) and of course, the Lib Dems just look for opportunities and popular schemes to get power. Popular in the Westminster bubble that is.
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