Wednesday, 26 October 2011

More And Less Union

The European Union is a busted flush. It was a bad idea from the outset (I know not everyone would agree, but Hitler and Napoleon had supporters too, didn't make it right though) and only survived because the elites adopted the old British bobbies saying, 'move along, nothing to see here'. Now people are looking and they don't like what has been going on. The careful rules to protect the power of the elite, the special shops that only they can use (all heavily discounted of course) and the disappearing money.

Added to this now, we have the idiocy of supporting a currency that doesn't fit every country in the so called Eurozone, but is forced on them regardless. You know when you try to put the wrong lid on something and it just won't fit? You realise and stop trying don't you, but this is exactly what the Eurozone is currently facing and endless meetings are taking place to find a way to make the lid fit. It is the classic ideological conundrum; how to make the answer you want fit reality (which is stubbornly different).

We have to stop waiting for our political 'leaders' to raise the Europe issue; we must do so ourselves. It is time that the cosy agreement between our three main political parties to not mention the EU during elections was ended. Let us get serious about democracy while we still have it and demand our say. Not just in a referendum, but always, at every stage. And the repatriation of powers is not something to aim for (as Cameron suggests he might, one day), but an essential legal requirement to put Britain back on its correct footing.

But exiting one Union because it was madness to have even joined is only part of the historic requirements on our shoulders today. The Union that makes up the United Kingdom should be recovered. Oh, I'm sure the little dictators that seemed to have popped up out of nowhere in Scotland in particular, will claim it is a plot is smother their country again, but clearly it isn't. Britain is much weaker without Scotland and Wales as integral parts. Look to our history and the contribution these people have made to our nation.

Yes, more effort is needed, in these technologically capable times to make wealth creation more widespread (and that includes looking to England's North, too), but generally together we are stronger. It was, again, to weaken Britain and increase the ease with which the EU could swallow up our countries that the 'regions' were created in the first place. Perhaps the cruellest of jokes; pretend independence.

Look how stupid the leaders are. Look at the crackpot and unfinanced schemes they implement to win your hearts and trick your minds. Scotland in particular is heading towards a very Greek future. Remember too some of the great minds and achievements of the past. But what is Scotland famous for today? Nothing positive and everything with a whinge. In an age when being a victim is in vogue, Scotland leads.

The Welsh have quietly ignored the suggestion that they too get on with being stupid and the country is seriously turning around. No more patronising and uneconomic steelworks to appease them. Real effort by the people is bringing rewards. Though many of the civil servants will have to retrain; that bit of patronising job generation cannot go on.

To achieve all of this the United Kingdom first needs a great leader, the likes of which we have not seen in a long time. A leader unlike the venal, snivelling wretches we have had of late. A leader of vision and purpose, who puts the nation and its people first. It can be done, but it needs a radical change in mindset. A drastic move away from the Leftist brainwashing to which we have been subjected in the West for too long. Don't let those rich-enough-to-be-Socialist prats who invade St Paul's and other places have their way any more. The fight back needs to start now.

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