Thursday, 20 October 2011

Bloody Democracy!

David 'Cast Iron Guarantee' Cameron is running scared. Having promised, absolutely with a cross my heart and cast iron guarantee, to hold a referendum on Europe he reneged after having used it as a trick to get (nearly) elected. Cameron seems to have a fundamental disagreement with the electors inasmuch that he doesn't think he is there to serve anyone, but just to be important and tell people what to do. It is the belief of most of our political class.

He then said that if 100,000 people signed a petition online, then parliament would debate the subject. That number was quickly and easily surpassed in support of a referendum on the EU, so initially an 'oh dear, there isn't time' ploy was tried, but here we are now with a debate looming. But damn it all, democracy is again being an inconvenience, because the MP's want to be able to vote according to the wishes of their constituents, rather than doing what Cameron says.

The debate was going to happen while the man impassioned about democracy in other countries and a deep Eurosceptic who thinks we should stay in, was not going to be about, so he is now desperate to bring it forward to Monday. The Tory policy of never talking about 'Europe' doesn't seem to have panned out too well.

James Delingpole has proclaimed him the Worst Tory Prime Minister Ever, but I don't think he is there quite yet. The lies and weakness of Edward Heath still take some beating. But I don't know that it is the confusion of a Coalition that is causing these problems. I do seriously wonder how bad Cameron would have been had he received a decent overall majority; he shows all the signs that he would be a 'Blair Too' and that really would have shot him straight to the top of the charts.

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