It would be nice to think that people who memorise someone else's words, could realise that the fame attached to this activity is about their entertainment value not their wisdom. Now we have Sean Penn popping up to spout off, in passing about something he doesn't comprehend, (comprehension is something these artistes seem to struggle with, they don't have the time you see).
Sean Penn, who has some trouble maintaining personal relationships and keeping his anger managed, has decided to inform us that we should 'hand back' the Falklands to Argentina. The basis appears to be that Britain is a colonial power. It is hard to know where to start with such a dimwit. Firstly, Britain was a colonial power and isn't now. Second, by wishing to forcefully takeover the islands he accepts violence should pay (he would wouldn't he!) and then, once achieved, does that not make Argentina a colonial power? Even worse surely, as every one that lives on the Falklands wishes to retain their British connection.
Just because Penn has a liking for violent and corrupt regimes, doesn't mean it is a common view, much less a valid one. Can you imagine someone with such stunted thinking actually holding a position of power (er yeah - Cuba and Venezuela for instance), let alone being allowed to be a parent? The furore here over a comedic remark by Jeremy Clarkson pales against the dribblings of people like Penn, who believes in the leaders who actually do take people out and shoot them in front of their families.
But then Penn belongs to a special class of idiot; he isn't just left leaning, he is a rich, actor who wishes a hell on other people of his making that he wouldn't be subjected to himself. The poverty and destitution Dickens railed against was one of carelessness, Penn constructively wishes to inflict harm and pain. Part of his character it seems.
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