Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Left, Right

You know, I find myself leaning towards what is known as the Right, because generally it stands for individuality, for ambition, freedom and the right to express yourself. But I am also of the right because I hate the Left. It struck me recently that not only do the left have to resort to underhand tactics and lies as no-one would follow their lead otherwise, but also that they delude themselves.

Take climate change. Ostensibly it is a scientific argument about whether the planet is warming up due to the activities of Man, but in reality it quickly became a political project of the Left to undermine the capitalist economy. A quick examination of a) the facts and b) reality confirms that the alarmists are spouting arrant nonsense and that they are doing it on purpose.

When Soviet Russia signed a pact with Nazi Germany in WW2, the Left had to do sometimes painful contortions to oppose Hitler, but still support Stalin. In fact, they had to completely ignore Soviet aggression both against its 'enemies' and its own people. The murders in the Soviet Union for the Left in the West, just didn't happen. Just as global warming stopped over a decade ago, but 'scientists' are claiming it hasn't, but refuse to offer data in support. Naturally, it is an affront to ask them.

The Left are so disingenuous that it is impossible to take them seriously, other than to watch them carefully for the harm they do. Whilst not actually a leftie, Tony Blair used a number of their techniques to hoodwink the voters. I do not think I am a seer of some sort in that I was never taken in by the slimy tove, more that I am incredulous it was not obvious to almost everyone. Obama, oozes the same insincerity, but Americans seem to be undecided, it is as if they needed to know what type of bear it was, that was going to tear them to pieces, before they could decide how to escape its attentions.

If you don't think of yourself as having a political leaning ask yourself these questions; do you have an overpowering desire to be rich, do you hate with a passion people who are already rich, do you want riches to be bestowed on you, rather than having to work for them, are you certain that you are more important than anyone you know, do you have an absolute belief that people should always do what you say? Then you are a leftie.

If you believe that people can lift themselves into a better condition through education and effort and that they should allowed to do so, if you are optimistic and are not filled with the avarice and envy listed above, then welcome to my world, you are right.

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