Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Globule Warming

It occurs to me we are missing the point. Oh sure there are lots of articles published and lots of hot air vented by the vested interests in creating alarm about 'Global Warming', but really they are a side show.

Generally the activists for political change driven by Climate Change do not talk about science. Oh they say it is settled and that 'scientists' overwhelmingly agree that it is so, but they are not keen on detail. Obviously anything verifiable they utter is quickly destroyed, hence the avoidance. When you say the moon is made of green cheese, you don't want anyone going there.

So, in an effort to prove to a population that has generally been taken in by the bombardment of reasonable sounding, but scary propoganda, the realists carefully explain the science and reasoning behind their position. They carefully deconstruct any seemingly scientific claims of the alarmist activists. But who cares. Shocked by the headline, who wants a school lesson on why the headline was wrong. Everyone has 'zoned out' by then.

It is a useful corrollary of the left's drive to produce a desperately under educated popualtion, that people don't question or investigate; they cannot think for themselves or have learnt not to. So the left are winning this battle by shouting something scary and walking away, like Paul Merton accusing  a Tory MP of saying something she hadn't said, knowing that any attempt at a reply would make her look silly and stretching a minor point.

By shifting the terms of debate they avoid answering questions. It is the opposite of democracy of course and their natural territory. Joseph Kennedy (father of JFK) may have detested Britain for standing up to Hitler, but at a time that managed to throw up a Hitler and a Stalin at the same time, they must have been strange times indeed. But reprehensible though he may have been as a character, he at least stuck to his point. When questioned he didn't point and say 'is that a magpie?' as our modern left liberal would.

It has long been understood by the left that they cannot openly declare their intentions and objectives, they would be broadly opposed. They must trick the masses into either indifference or else a false understanding. The truth can only ever hurt the left , except in the eyes of true believers. This means we are always in danger and must be alert to the threat.

Look at objections to Gove's education plans. They are just lies, made up to scare people. But the most obvious thing is, that the left never talk of the best educational outcomes, never decide on a course of action based on the best interests of pupils. It is only ever to further their ideology.

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