Friday, 3 February 2012

Huhne Resigns

Comedy stand-in politician Chris Huhne has resigned, as he has been charged with perverting the course of justice. Following a disclosure by his ex wife that she had been asked by her husband to take the penalty points for a speeding offence, so he could keep his licence (he already had 9 points on it -pity he got caught using his mobile whilst driving shortly after), Essex police spent eight months thinking about it and then decided, yes it is an offence and perhaps they should consider treating the Member of Parliament as if the law applied equally to him (this not being the way such people like to be considered).

The justice system certainly seems diligent (lax?) in its treatment of politicians, except of course when Labour, in office made some unsubstantiated claims about a Conservative MP, when the police showed their willingness to ignore the law and arrested the man pointed out by the government and searched his house. As an exercise in showing political corruption and the compliance of senior police officers to their political 'masters', it can hardly be beat.

I think that Vicky Price (ex Mrs Huhne) should be warned regarding the seriousness of lying to the criminal justice system and then told to go. She broke the law, but she eventually came clean and her actions are certainly 'in the public interest'. By getting rid of Huhne from government she does the country a great service. The villain himself though, weasel that he is, should be sent to prison for a considerable time pour encourager les autres and because we cannot sentence him for the crimes committed against us as taxpayers, because it is legal for politicians to lie to us and steal from us, apparently.

If we all offer up a prayer, perhaps we can have the plans and policies that this nincompoop zealot was pushing through, to see how much damage he could do, reversed. Climate Change is a scam and whilst it is possible that Chris Huhne actually is thick enough to have been taken in by it, either way he is gone and we need some sanity injected into this part of government. Perhaps by deleting it as a department and creating energy policies that return power to the people (pun intended in every way) and do something that will keep the lights on. I think Huhne's back-up plan for wind energy was pixie dust.

I suppose with the Goodwin and Hester stuff kicking around, the staunch big government, I know best Labourite Keir Starmer at the CPS thought that he had better just act within the law, on this occasion. I can't imagine anything else would have motivated him to take such action, I mean its not as if Huhne is a Conservative or anything.

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