Monday, 20 February 2012

The News Today

Wow, some infuriating telly today! What is it about the left that they feel it their right to shout the odds all the time? People who are natural conservatives, the real, famed centre ground, stage a massive, but quiet protest to such extent that the socialist government of the day have to set the police on them, without awaiting provocation. Yet the left riot and shout. Blair was confronted by a woman, an actual member of the public who felt let down by his running of the NHS, but today a politically active leftie shouts at the Health Secretary because she has an opposing political view! And the BBC just refer to her as a 'pensioner'.

Substance versus ideology, as ever. Then we have the BBC news saying that there is going to be a massive shake up in border controls. No there isn't, we are just planning on actually having some. Chunky Cooper stands up in the House and witters on that the Home Secretary is blaming the Borders managers and this is disgraceful. Not sure why. Anyway, just because it was their fault apparently, theirs and the Labour government that first suggested not really bothering with any controls.

For at least ten years Labour blamed 'the previous administration' for everything that went wrong. Within a year of the Coalition coming in Labour felt that their greatest achievement, the massive overspend of public sector employment and other unfunded projects, unchecked immigration, run down of the armed services, moral destruction of the NHS, dumbing down of education (and all the rest), were nothing to do with Labour and it was outrageous how the Conservatives could allow these things to go on.

Almost as cheeky as Brown being so annoyed about being dumped as PM (despite feeling, personally that he had done strikingly well), that he refused to do any work at all. But could we keep paying him.

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