Back to plain old Mr. Goodwin then. Pity, it is never nice to see a greedy man, operating way above his abilities being humiliated. But then again, yes it is. And that is why it was done. The government may not change what they do, they may not attack the fundamentals of bank bonuses, they may not stop giving gongs to dodgy people, but by God if there is an ounce of political capital to be had in taking away your knighthood, they are on it.
Clearly this imbecile should never have been given the award, but then when an imbecile of the calibre of Gordon Brown is running the country, what should we expect? The bankers are fundamentally safe from real attacks by politicians because their crimes are shared and the expenses scandal is such a parallel with the banking crisis; both were fostered by greed and hubris.
The banking crisis, which was caused by socialist interference on both sides of the Atlantic*, is only one of a group of ridiculous policies and actions that international politics is responsible for currently. Not only have we flushed unimaginable sums down the toilet via the banks, we have done the same by following the global warming (climate change) scam -again, left wing politics- and by staying in, nay, supporting the EU.
Your politicians will be back on track when all three of these are abolished.
*The banking collapse was caused by, in the UK Gordon Brown allowing too much dodgy dealing just for the tax revenue he thought he would get on the back of it -and Tony Blair for the money that could be directed to his own pocket- and in the US where 'Democrats' introduced legislation forcing banks to give loans to people who couldn't afford them.
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