Ray Honeyford, an early visionary of the dangers of political correctness has died. Ray was a teacher and ideally placed to see the harm multiculturalism does to a nation, to communities and to individuals. He spoke out and as such deserved much praise. What he got was very different.
PC is of course a major weapon of the left to ensure debate cannot happen, which is an important construct when your arguments are at least weak and usually laughable. For instance, the climate change scam would never have gained traction if it wasn't for PC.
But Ray alighted on multiculturalism and through clear argument proved how divisive it is. The left responded, not by proving their case or arguing his down, but by attacking him, by launching a hate campaign, against him. This is their standard tactic and it usually works, because of the fact that the weapons grade lunacy of PC is supported by left leaning wonks in the Establishment.
Just as whistleblowers are hounded and ostracised, so too those who oppose orthodoxy, that is the orthodoxy of the left. Communism and fascism are the same thing; when you live in a society where the phrase 'you can't say that' has taken hold, then you live is a society of state control.
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