Dear Mr. Cameron
I know you decided to put on a Conservative tie and that you had what is often referred to as a good start in life. This, I hoped would make you a useful Prime Minister at a time of great need in the country, we have after all, just had a Labour government for 13 years -there was bound to be much that needed repairing. But those dogs of economics have run amok and left us with more than a shrivelled economy and low morale this time. Gordon Brown has wrecked the country to its core, with the added depth of Blair's immorality.
We needed clear thinking on growth and strong leadership, which are traditional Tory strengths. This you might realise is where things get difficult, as I am sure you are aware yourself, you are no traditionalist.
Mr. Cameron, politics is intended to be the servant of the people, it is designed to facilitate the best ordering of national affairs for the benefit of the people in general, one might say in Britain, for the Queen on behalf of her subjects. Somehow, politicians have come to see themselves as a kind of class apart, a natural elite who rule. A group that makes decisions because that is their job, based on political considerations alone. Whilst voters are needed, those considerations usually have a cynical angle, to gain those votes when required.
This has led to what is called the Westminster Bubble, where politicians only talk to each other and make decisions based on the outcome for that group. Debates in parliament, such as they now exist, are merely sport for winning points in some academic game, rather than the serious business of running the country. If I may at this point introduce a notion you may find shocking, the aforementioned is what the nation pays you to do. If you wish to play childish games of name calling then please confine it to your leisure hours.
It is clear you have come to believe that your election is dependent on socialist values and so you enact the inane energy policies demanded by left activists, you borrow more when we need to cut back and you shrink from the loud, but pointless shouts of the left about any 'cuts'. It is precisely because these people are believed when they shout that needs addressing, by strong leadership that achieves real results. Results these malefactors are telling the population are not achievable under Tories.
These people have demonised Margaret Thatcher and talk of her in the most disgusting terms, waiting to unleash a most unedifying orgy when she passes. Do you believe she deserves that? Of course not, it is just a position that the left are pushing; comedians routinely refer to how bad Thatcher was but couldn't tell you why. To repeat empty junk fed by political agitators on the left doesn't make it true. But much of our lives is currently blighted by just such shouting down, using political correctness as a weapon most often.
This is damaging our country, it is a major reason for much that is wrong and we must reverse it. It is in fact just an extension of getting the Tories labelled as the nasty party. Was that ever even remotely true? No, except with regard to the infighting by the wets in the party, people who today have far too much influence on you. Why do you think you didn't win a clear majority? Why do you think the Lib Dems are so hated? People want a Conservative Party to bring back prosperity and pride to the UK, not the left leaning nonsense you cleave too. Whether from advice or personal disposition your current instincts are wrong. What does your education tell you to do? Don't rely on experience, you don't have any. Try listening and I mean listening to someone outside the Westminster Bubble.
I remain, a humbled taxpayer
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