Thursday, 19 April 2012

Abu Qatada And The Nature Of Government

For a very long time people have been aware that the Common Market that Edward Heath so assiduously lied about, was a dangerous construct. It was only ever an attempt to Sovietise Europe under French tutelage (allowing some German input as they were funding the project).

So much about it was so obviously wrong and at odds with British principle and practice that it should never have proceeded, at least not here. Naturally as much as could be hidden was, like the removal of British Common Law and policing by consent, to be replaced with the Code Napoleon and law enforcement. A supreme state served by its citizens. Britain in other words, turned on its head.

Some things should not have been possible, but still went ahead contrary to the law. One of these was the loss of sovereignty. It is not in the gift of a British government to hand authority of the Queen's subjects to a foreign power. And yet, they still did it.  and we only avoided being forced into the single currency by happenchance.

Now all these illegal and ridiculous actions by self-important politicians are coming home to roost. How stupid, how fundamentally moronic does our government now appear as it grapples with the deportation of a terrorist, in an age when virtually any action can be justified by inserting the word 'terrorism'. How desperately our over-paid-as-they-no-longer-have-a-job-to-do politicians squirm, to avoid admitting that they are powerless in the face of their overseas masters.

Do we run our country? No. Are the UK elections a farce? Yes, indeed. And this is most clearly signalled by the simple fact that in a sovereign country, Abu Qatada would have been deported the day it was decided he should be.

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