Friday, 27 April 2012

Aircraft Carriers

Ha! The UK and aircraft carriers; we are crap, aren't we? In the Seventies we decided we didn't need any of these kind of ships and the Navy pulled a fast one. Unable to get a full Fleet Carrier, they had 'Through Deck Cruisers' designed, which bore a striking resemblance to aircraft carriers, if a little smaller.

So we built them and put Sea Harriers on them. Then we decided to get rid of them before the paint was dry. Of course the Falklands War tipped up and we realised how useful they were, for a war we would 'never fight again'. If one thing characterises the MoD it is their constant development of theories that are 180 degrees wrong. No need for manned aircraft, no need for guns on aircraft, no need for aircraft carriers.....

The Sea Harriers did so well we redesigned them to be much more capable, the last one entering service in 1998. In 2002, a Defence Review said we didn't need them as we wouldn't be fighting 'those kind of wars' again and could rely on 'allies for fleet protection'. Would they be allies like the ones who couldn't quite decide whose side they were on in 1982?

Anyway, it meant the FA2 Sea Harriers were scrapped in 2006, some of which were only 7 years old by then! We only needed the ground attack Harriers of the Air Force until the new JSF and their carriers came into service 'in 2012' (Defence Review 2002). Remind me again how that is going....

Every single public servant, be they politicians, defence chiefs or senior policemen seem to see their jobs in the following fashion; pompous importance, salary, pension. Actually doing anything and ensuring the best work is done by all, at all times doesn't even register on their radar (assuming it has been ordered, delivered and works -none of which can be taken for granted in Britain today).

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